W.A.G.s to Riches premiered on Netflix on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. It shared a glimpse of the lives of the wives of renowned athletes and rappers, who not only tackled private struggles but also ventured into businesses, trying to make a name for themselves. In episode 5 of the series, Sharelle partnered with LPT Realty, turning her company from Allure Realty to Allure Luxury.
Sharelle also held a party on Juneteenth to celebrate her partnership, which all the cast members attended, including Stoni with whom Sharelle had locked horns earlier in the series.
Porsha, on the other hand, discussed having a home birth during a consultation with her doctor. She eventually dropped the idea after learning about its risks. Later in the episode, Sharelle and Chad's relationship hit a rough patch after their demands clashed during a prenuptial discussion.
The official synopsis of W.A.G.s to Riches episode 5, titled What's Up with My Prenup? reads:
"Sharelle celebrates a deal on Juneteenth. Later, Chad and Sharelle meet with attorneys to negotiate a prenup, but a particular clause causes a stir."
W.A.G.s to Riches episode 5: Sharelle's Allure Realty partners with LPT Realty
The opening scenes of the episode showcased Sharelle talking to Maranda about her role as a real estate agent. Maranda, who worked for Sharelle's agency, Allure Realty, praised her for allowing her to be herself and showcase her character without letting other's opinions affect her.
Sharelle then asked Maranda to accompany her to meet Robert, a potential business investor, for a deal signing so she could get first-hand experience of how everything worked behind the curtains.
"I done turned every female into a real estate agent. It's okay, you know, you was a stripper. You was a bottle girl. You tired of being all that. Welcome to the real estate world, where you can sell homes instead of a**," Sharelle said in a W.A.G.s to Riches confessional.
During the private dinner, Sharelle finalized a deal with Robert's company LPT Realty, looking forward to elevating her business and becoming a brand name nationwide.
Elsewhere, Porsha and Andre visited the hospital for an ultrasound. During her consultation, Porsha stated that she wanted a home birth, referencing how quickly she gave birth to her second child, Levi. However, the doctor insisted on giving birth at the hospital to avoid any mishaps.
While speaking to the cameras, the W.A.G.s to Riches star said that she loved being pregnant, but feared being "left behind, unvited, overlooked." Porsha noted that people in the real estate business as well as some of her friends often counted her out of events since she was pregnant, which upset her. Regardless, Porsha wanted to focus on growing as a mother, wife, and woman.
"So, right now, I'm just trying to balance it all," she added.
Another segment of the W.A.G.s to Riches episode showcased Sadé enjoying some quality time with her partner of eight years, Robbie Chosen. While talking about Robbie, Sadé revealed that he was a free agent, who was not on any football team at that time, but was in contact with people associated with sports.
Later in the episode, the W.A.G.s to Riches cast gathered on Juneteenth to celebrate Sharelle's partnership with LPT Realty. Robert then officially announced that Allure Realty was now Allure Luxury powered by LPT Realty.
"I want to grow. In order for me to grow, I made the right decision by merging with the LPT family and Robert," Sharelle said.
Stoni was glad Sharelle took "accountability" and invited the former to the party after clashing with her earlier in the series. She later confided in Porsha that she wanted to move forward and did not want any tension in their friend circle.
During a private conversation with Sharelle, Stoni mentioned that she was a "lady of class," so she accepted Sharelle's invite regardless of what she thought about her. Sharelle then apologized to Stoni for her past behavior and cleared the air.
Toward the end of the W.A.G.s to Riches episode, Sharelle and her partner, Chad met with their attorneys for a prenup negotiation. Sharelle revealed that her marriage to Chad was scheduled to be held on February 2, 2025. However, before she rushed into anything, she wanted to finalize a prenup so there were no contestations later in the marriage.
Sharelle's attorney, Megan stated that her client wanted to try to "contract to lump-sum alimony up front." Sharelle proposed $3 million that Chad had to pay on their wedding anniversary every year. However, Chad's lawyer, Lazaro countered, offering $15,000 a month.
When Megan refused to accept that, Lazaro and Chad asked her and Sharelle to consider waiving alimony. She then brought up Chad's podcast, Night Cap, and stated that Sharelle wanted a percentage of it. Hearing that, Chad said:
"You're not contractually signed to us at all."
Megan insisted that as a wife, Sharelle contributed to the success of the podcast, but Chad disagreed. The W.A.G.s to Riches star clarified that she was only a guest who appeared on a few episodes.
Lazaro then disclosed that his client wanted a percentage of Sharelle's business, surprising her. Sharelle refused to entertain Chad's demand, claiming he did not contribute in making her business a success. At the same time, she revealed Chad's podcast grew after they got into a relationship, reitering that she deserved 25% of his company not 1% as Lazaro suggested.
Tensions reached a boiling point, when Megan brought up the infidelity clause which required Chad to pay a $500,000 penalty in case he cheated. It made Chad wonder if Sharelle was even ready to get married.
Stream W.A.G.s to Riches exclusively on Netflix.