Love is Blind UK premiered its inaugural season on Netflix on August 7, 2024. The UK cast entered the pods to find love without being able to see the person they were forming a bond with. They had time to explore and finally meet with the one they thought they connected with the most.
Demi and Ollie were one of the Love is Blind UK couples that got engaged and made it to the wedding day. However, things didn't turn out as they had hoped, and the pair didn't go through with the marriage when Demi said "No" at the altar.
Demi came on Reality with Will Njobvu Podcast, released on August 27, 2024, and talked about her relationship with Ollie on the reality show. The Love Is Blind UK star shared that many people have asked her why she went to the altar if she wasn't going to say yes.
To answer the question, she said she had given so much to the show and Ollie and wanted to reclaim her power by the end.
"I just felt like I wanted to reclaim my power. I was tired of it. I had given so much to the experiment and to him, and it's like, 'Let me just get it back now'," Demi said on the podcast.
Demi added that she knew what she wanted from a partner, and while Ollie was a good guy, he wasn't the one she was looking for.
Demi and Ollie on their Love is Blind UK relationship
In a separate interview with Netflix Tudum, after the Love is Blind UK finale episode, Demi and Ollie talked about why things didn't work out between them. The two shared that even though they were not married by the end of the show, they were still friends.
Ollie told Netflix Tudum they are in a "good place now and genuinely best friends." They regularly talk and even comment on each other's Instagram. He added that not going through with the wedding did not ruin their friendship.
"We speak quite regularly, comment on each other's Instagrams, and wind each other up. I'm glad that not making it to marriage wasn't necessarily the end of our friendship," Ollie told Tududm.
Ollie said he doesn't regret the time he spent with Demi. He admitted that the Love is Blind couple wasn't ready for the next big thing in their relationship and weren't meant to get married.
In the interview, Demi said that while she came into the show with the thought of finding love, she came out with a love for herself and realized what she wants from her future husband. However, she is grateful that Ollie was with her throughout her journey.
"I fell in love with Ollie and envisioned him to be my husband. But I fell in love with myself so much deeper. It was the perfect love story for me. I'm grateful for Ollie for being with me through that journey, but I know what my man needs to do for me!"
Demi opened up about her endometriosis condition on the show and was able to gain a sense of self-confidence by the end. In the Netflix Tudum interview, she shared that she felt empowered by how women around the world supported her condition and how it helped them open up about their situation.
"It's really empowered me. I don't know what the future looks like, but if I can keep being an advocate and bring awareness to something that has crippled me and knocked my confidence back, I want to be able to do that," Demi added.
All episodes of Love is Blind UK are available to stream on Netflix.