Love Is Blind: Mexico, a Netflix original, is a reality TV series that premiered on August 1, 2024. The show brings 30 singles together to find out if they can build a true connection without meeting face to face. Episodes 5 to 8 of the series were released on Thursday, August 8, 2024.
In these episodes of Love Is Blind: Mexico, the engaged couples depart from Tulum and make their way to Mexico City. Once there, they begin living together and have the opportunity to meet each other's families to culminate their journey, with the final steps leading them to the altar.
Karen and Fernando made it to the next level of Love Is Blind: Mexico, where they discussed meeting the families. Fernando was eager to meet Emi, Karen's daughter, and expressed that the honeymoon vacation was great, but now they are heading to a more serious relationship. He said:
"We are much more grounded now than we were in Tulum. We are coming back to reality, and we are going to try living together."
Fernando and Karen discuss the next step in their relationship in Love Is Blind: Mexico
In episode 5 of Love Is Blind: Mexico, the couples move in together, experience living together, and get to know the families before finally sealing the deal. Karen and Fernando seemed to enjoy this new chapter in their lives, but Karen told Fernando she was anxious to meet his mother. Fernando asked for the reason, and she replied:
"Because it's not easy for a mother-in-law to accept that her son is going out with someone who already has a family. That's where everything gets complicated."
Fernando assured her by telling her that his mom would be happy knowing he was happy and, therefore, would like Karen. Both agreed that it would go well before leaving Tulum in Love Is Blind: Mexico, episode 5.
Karen and Fernando discussed telling their respective families about each other. Karen seemed excited to tell her friends about Fernando. Fernando then asked about Emi, Karen's daughter, and how she was planning to tell her about Fernando.
Karen told him that she would call her on the phone and then video call her, and if they both agreed, they could meet. Karen also expressed that she was worried about Fernando. She said:
"I also worry about you because I wanna know if you are willing to be in a real relationship or actually have a marriage with me. Because you are not just getting a wife with me, you are getting a family."
Fernando mentioned that their relationship has been great, and he was very much in love but also more grounded than he was in the Tulum in Love Is Blind: Mexico. He said he was ready for the new challenges as the relationship got more serious and families became involved. He expressed to Karen:
"I guess the thing of which I am afraid is how Emi is going to react to me. Do you know what I mean? I think I can do a good job. I really do feel I am capable, because of all your support, you know?"
He continued:
"She will see that I treat you well, that I love you, and I love her. I think that's a great foundation to build on."
Karen seemed confident that both Emi and Fernando would like each other because Fernando was a good person, and so was Emi. Episode 8 saw Fernando finally meet Karen's daughter, and the meeting seemingly went well for all of them.
Love Is Blind: Mexico is streaming now on Netflix.