Baddies Midwest aired its third episode on Sunday, November 10, 2024. The segment showcased several fights among the cast members, which stemmed from earlier disputes. One such argument ensued when Badd Dolly confronted Ahna about not giving her a ticket at the auditions.
The Baddies Midwest star clashed with Ahna as soon as she arrived at the mixer in Episode 3. She questioned her for not giving her a ticket at the Baddies Midwest & Baddies Gone Wild Auditions, released in September 2024. However, Ahna defended herself, explaining that her ticket did not matter since she cleared the audition and made it on the show.
Ahna mentioned that Badd Dolly dismissed her and refused to listen, during the event, which motivated her decision not to grant Badd Dolly a ticket. Meanwhile, Badd Dolly believed Ahna had instigated others, leading to the scuffle.
After some back-and-forth, and with Natalie's intervention, their argument eventually subsided.
Baddies Midwest star Ahna thinks Badd Dolly's accusations were invalid since she made it to the show
In episode 3, Badd Dolly locked horns with Ahna right after she arrived at the mixer arranged for the new members. She questioned her for not giving her a ticket, claiming it was because of the fight that unfolded during the audition.
Ahna retaliated saying she was unimpressed to see Badd Dolly ignore her advice and fight with her co-stars, Ivori and Tinkaabellaaa. She further criticized her for using her rings as weapons during the brawl.
Badd Dolly defended herself and blamed Ahna for talking aggressively with her during the event. However, Ahna claimed she did not speak negatively about her but only tried to mediate the fight. The Baddies Midwest star explained Badd Dolly was already throwing punches at her co-stars before they even got to her.
Ahna was unhappy that Badd Dolly took their argument online and spoke ill about her. She felt the 'newbie' was "going real crazy for audition." While speaking to the cameras, Ahna commented on Badd Dolly's argument, stating that it was illogical to raise the subject at the mixer since she had already made it through.
She explained that the new joiners needed to respect her and abide by her rules if they wanted to secure a ticket from her. Ahna felt Badd Dolly tried to get into the spotlight by intentionally clashing with the other contestants, some of whom she did not even know.
Meanwhile, Badd Dolly defended herself saying that the other girls provoked her, leading to the altercation. Ahna felt the 'newbie' could have handled the situation differently, whereas Badd Dolly stated that she did what she thought was right at that moment.
Later, Ahna and Badd Dolly agreed to put their differences behind them and focus on building a new relationship. During a confessional, Ahna's best friend, Biggie expressed her take on the argument.
"I knew there was some weird energy going around because Dolly, she was saying something about her not getting a ticket, like, ain't you on the show? Why does it matter who gave you a ticket or not?" Biggie said.
Soon after Ahna's argument with Badd Dolly settled, Summer got into a physical fight with Ahna. The Baddies Midwest star was unhappy with how Ahna treated her at the auditions after she clashed with Mariah.
Baddies Midwest is available to stream on Zeus Network.