The famous reality show Below Deck is about crew members aboard a luxury yacht, taking care of the demands of elite passengers while handling drama in their personal lives. The show started in 2013 since then has captivated fans with its intriguing format with iconic cast members.
Fraser Olender in the previous season played a crucial role as Chief Stew on the show. Throughout the season, viewers witnessed his challenges as he adapted to working with a new captain, navigated the complex dynamics among the crew members, and encountered various interpersonal issues while taking charge of the team.
Fraser Olender as the Chief Stew of the Below Deck season 11
Below Deck season 11, which aired from February 2024 to late May 2024, marked a significant change as it was Kerry Titheradge’s first season as a captain. This change occurred due to the health issues of the original captain, Lee. Additionally, Fraser Olender brought a wealth of experience from the spin-off series Below Deck Mediterranean, captained by Sandy Yawn.
Fraser Olender debuted on the show from season 9 of Below Deck, after working in the yachting industry for 6 years. Olender knew both ways, being great with the guests, and housekeeping. He made his return to the show in season 10 on St. David as Chief Stew for the first time, having a lot of challenges on his way personal and professional. His fractional relationship with the crew captain was shown throughout the season.
In season 11, Captain Sandy demonstrated her disapproval of Fraser's leadership style and openly criticized it. In contrast, Fraser gracefully accepted all the criticism and displayed impressive leadership skills throughout season 11.
Will Fraser Olender be back for season 12 of the Below Deck series?
Fraser has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, infusing fun and charisma into his interactions with both the crew members and the guests aboard the yacht. His adept portrayal of this role has won him widespread appreciation from fans. Fans admire his unwavering dedication to his duties, his clever and engaging interview remarks, and his exceptional ability to offer top-notch service to the guests.
The upcoming twelfth season of the renowned television series, Below Deck, has completed filming. Reports suggest that Fraser Olender is set to be featured in this new season. Additionally, the return of Captain Kerry and Deckhand Kyle Stillie has been confirmed. There are also rumors circulating about the potential return of another previous cast member, Sunny Marquis, as she was spotted working on a yacht accompanied by a TV crew. However, this information has yet to be officially verified.
Fraser Olender's return for the new season is highly anticipated, given his significant role as a prominent character on the show and his exceptional skills as a Chief Stew.
What does Fraser Olender do besides Below Deck?
Besides leading the crew and delighting the guests with his charming presence in his leisure time, he lives his life to the fullest potential according to his Instagram. He travels around the world in stylish clothes and enjoys exotic locales and food.
The highly anticipated upcoming season of Below Deck is set to make its return in the near future. Meanwhile, fans can catch the spin-off show, Below Deck Mediterranean, which airs on Mondays at 9 pm ET, exclusively on Bravo.