Love Never Lies: South Africa, a reality series hosted by Minnie Dlamini, released its finale episodes on Netflix on December 6, 2024. The show followed six couples as they put their relationships to the test with the help of a lie detector. This test exposed lies and truths, allowing the couples to explore trust and honesty.
Each lie resulted in a deduction from the prize money, creating additional stress for the participants. The ultimate test, held in the finale, involved direct and personal questions, forcing the couples to confront their deepest feelings and decisions about their future together.
In the finale, Nikiwe and Naledi faced challenges and made tough choices. Their journey began as a polyamorous couple, but as the show progressed, their views changed. Naledi wanted to remain true to her beliefs, while Nikiwe decided she no longer wanted a polygamous relationship.
Both struggled with questions about commitment and trust, leading to revelations that impacted their position in the competition. Their responses during the test affected the prize money in the finale of Love Never Lies: South Africa.
Honest reflections and revelations during the final test of Love Never Lies: South Africa
Before the final test in Love Never Lies: South Africa, Nikiwe reflected on her relationship with Naledi, admitting that while they began as polyamorous partners, her feelings had changed. When the host asked if the experience had made her grow, she said it had taught her to remain true to herself. She shared,
“I cannot safely commit to something that has no clear vision,” expressing a desire for clarity and commitment in her future.
Naledi joined Nikiwe, and the host, Minnie, asked her if there was anything she would like to tell Nikiwe. She said,
"It broke my heart to make you cry. And to break your trust. And I've missed you."
However, tensions surfaced during the ultimate test. Naledi was asked if she would allow Nikiwe to have other partners. Her answer, “No,” was detected as a lie, deducting 10,000 rands from the prize pot, bringing it to 610,000 rands. Nikiwe described the lie as “interesting” but noted they had challenging conversations ahead.
Naledi admitted she never wanted Nikiwe to feel like she was giving up the most in their relationship. The lie detector also revealed a lie from Nikiwe. When asked if she was ready to commit to a polygamous future with Naledi, her response, “No,” was also false. Another 10,000 rand was deducted, leaving the prize pot at 600,000 rand.
The final reveal about the number of truths from the couple in Love Never Lies: South Africa
After the test, the couple had a private conversation in the villa. Despite their mutual admissions of missing each other, their differences about the future remained unresolved. By the end of the finale, Nikiwe and Naledi had told the fewest truths among all couples, with only two truthful answers recorded.
As a result, they lost their chance to win the final prize money, which had grown to 720,000 rand. Their journey highlighted the challenges of navigating honesty and trust, with both partners reflecting on their individual needs versus their shared connection.
The finale of Love Never Lies: South Africa ended without clear answers about their future together, leaving viewers to wonder if they could overcome these challenges or if their journey as a couple was ending.
Watch the finale episode of Love Never Lies: South Africa, which is currently streaming on Netflix.