Aired on December 13, Love After Lockup season 5 episode 51 featured Rob Martinez, a 32-year-old inmate serving time for first-degree robbery and credit card fraud. Rob is facing his imminent release after serving most of his 10-year sentence with just 45 days remaining.
However, his post-prison plans did not seem to match with those of Tia. Episode 51 featured a phone conversation between the couple where Tia was seen challenging Rob's plans.
This episode revealed the couple's history and background as well. Convicted eight and a half years ago, Rob met Tia, a 32-year-old medical records supervisor through an unexpected family connection. Their relationship began eight months prior through phone conversations initiated by Tia's cousin who is married to Rob's sister.
Love After Lockup couple Tia and Rob face relationship challenges
Love After Lockup season 5 episode 51 exposed critical fractures in their relationship dynamics. Rob expressed excitement about their future together, saying,
“I’m excited for us to be together, you know, and start our life together.”
However, his post-prison plans revealed significant complexity. His agenda included family interactions and personal entertainment, such as hiring stri*pers.
“That’s one of my goals as well… It ain’t about to be very first day, know what I’m saying? Like the very first day I told you, I wanna have the family over and we’ll cook,” Rob explained.
Tia challenged these plans directly. She emphasized their previous agreement to spend the first two days exclusively together. Rob's suggestion of family visits and entertainment activities contradicted their initial understanding. This conflict left Tia frustrated and vulnerable.
“I have to really like calm down because I am completely vulnerable. I do carry trauma with me from the past relationships,” she shared in a confessional.
In her confessional, she went on to add that if Rob ended up hurting her, she probably would get into another relationship for the rest of her life. Tia revealed that her past included a severely abusive relationship where she suffered physical injuries, including broken bones. Her cousin Toya, a tarot card reader and medium, provided emotional guidance.
During a conversation with her cousin, Tia discussed her concerns about Rob's post-prison plans. Toya pulled tarot cards including the 10 of Cups and Heal cards. She advised Tia to focus on personal healing and approach the relationship with careful consideration.
Tia’s trust in Rob was further shaken when she learned he might parole with another woman in Brooklyn, raising doubts about his honesty. This revelation intensified the relationship's uncertainty. Tia expressed clear apprehension about potentially being misled.
Relationship dynamics
Love After Lockup season 5 couple’s initial communication started eight months prior through phone conversations facilitated by their family network. Tia's cousin who was married to Rob's sister played a crucial role in their introduction.
Tia described their connection using intense emotional language. Love After Lockup season 5 star referred to Rob as her "divine counterpart" and emphasized their strong physical chemistry.
Rob's personal background
Raised in a loving two-parent household, Rob experienced significant financial constraints that pushed him toward survival strategies. Despite having a supportive family environment, economic pressures created immense challenges.
At 14 Rob began selling drugs and engaging in theft attempting to generate critical income for his struggling family. At 24 a first-degree robbery conviction transformed his life trajectory sending him into a decade-long prison sentence. Currently serving eight and a half years Rob approached his release with a stated commitment to change and "be a productive member of society."
Fans can catch Rob and Tia’s storylines in Love After Lockup season 5’s new episodes.