Buying London, Netflix's latest real estate reality show about the British market follows Daniel Daggers and his talented team of real estate agents who work at DDRE Global. Since the show aired, Daggers has spoken with several publications, notably the New York Post and Country and Town House, about his life and his journey in the real estate industry.
While in conversation with both publications, the Buying London star said that he was 17 years old when he first got into real estate. He said he was studying surveying while trying to become a professional footballer. Daggers' parents made sure he was focused on other things as well, but he wasn't very good at school.
"While I was studying, I broke my collarbone, and I realized that I didn't want to continue with education and that I wanted to get some independence. So, during a business studies course, I did a bit of work experience at a small independent estate agency in Maida Yale, and the stars aligned and they asked me to come back. So, as a spotty 17-year-old, I went to work there, and it's how I cut my teeth and learned my skills."
"It's a melting point of different kinds of talent"— Buying London's Daniel Daggers discusses DDRE
In a recent conversation with Country and Town House, Buying London star Daniel Daggers opened up about his company, DDRE Global, which is predominantly featured in the Netflix reality show.
Daniel said several things set DDRE apart, including its diversity of personalities. He said "the nice thing" about his business was that it had a lot of "different kinds of people."
"It's a melting pot of different kinds of talent, and people can choose who they want to do business with. Plus, if the client wants contemporary marketing and the best experts when it comes to digital marketing, we are the number one place on the planet."
When the Buying London cast member was asked about his vision for the company, he said he wanted to "deliver the ultimate real estate experience." He described DDRE Global as a "relationship-first, technology media marketing business" and said it was a culmination of a real estate agency and a brokerage.
While in conversation with The New York Post, the Buying London reality star talked about his journey before he opened DDRE. He said that he worked for a small company for a decade before he made his way to a big firm.
He added that he spent a lot of time in the United States and loved how the professionals there handled business. He praised them and said they were "passionate, driven," and much more focused than people in the United Kingdom.
"I was really inspired, traveled the world, and then set up DDRE from my kitchen table in lockdown. You couldn’t have timed this worse in theory, but everything happens for a reason," Daniel added.
When asked about the real estate reality show and why it was unique, the frontrunner, Daniel, said they did things differently. He explained that in Buying London, fans would hear "wonderful accents" and see "incredible real estate." He added that the audience might find the language a little different and noted that the homes are "typically very British."
Daniel described the cast as comparatively reserved and subtle.
"But, just like everybody, we’ve all got different sides of our characters, and sometimes we can be feisty. I just think people get mystified by our accents. As someone who’s done a lot of business in the U.S., I know that it does work wonders. Aren’t we lucky?"
Fans can watch episodes of Buying London on Netflix.