The Braxtons, premiered on August 9, 2024, is a new reality show that is a continuation of Braxton Family Values featuring the band of the same name. The show features Toni Braxton in the center stage along with her sisters Towanda, Trina, and Tamar.
In the second episode of The Braxtons, the cast talked about Traci Braxton, who passed away on March 12, 2022, at the age of 50 due to her year-long struggle with esophageal cancer. Traci was a renowned figure in the reality TV realm due to her singing career with The Braxtons and her appearances in reality shows.
In the second episode titled, "Healing takes time," Trina couldn't hold back her tears while talking about Traci. She shared how proud she was of Traci for not giving up even on bad days, and thanked her for all the precious memories that they shared. Trina said:
"Traci was a fighter. She was a fighter to the very, very end. For the good days, for the bad days. For the very bad days... That was one of the hardest things that I've ever done in my life. But would I do it again? Absolutely."
Previously, The Braxton family reportedly struggled during the end run of Braxton Family Values. It ended on December 17, 2020, after seven seasons.
During the last season, the family sat down with life coach and TV personality, Iyanla Vanzant, who took a therapy session with the family. The sisters talked about their fight with producers regarding low payment and Traci's illness.
What did the sisters say about Traci on The Braxtons?
In the latest episode of The Braxtons, all the sisters shared their last moments with Traci in the hospital bed. Towanda explained that every sister and other family member took turns tending to Traci's needs.
As it helped with maintaining their busy schedule. Each sister was assigned a role according to availability, as they tried to entertain Traci knowing the upcoming weeks would be their last moments with her. Tamar expressed how grateful the family was towards Traci as she used to cook and take care of the rest of the sisters.
Tamar was the only one to receive her turkey wings recipe which she intended to use and pass on to the generations to come. She was surprised to know her fondness of the movies in general with The Princess And The Frog being her favorite one.
Evelyn Braxton, the mother, also expressed gratitude towards her daughter as Traci proclaimed her love for her mother often on her deathbed. Evelyn explained the gesture meant a lot to her and she would cherish these memories for the rest of her life.
"When we stayed together in her house, in her bed, we talked and she said, 'Mommy, I love you. You were the best mother.' And we just embraced all night long. I will always remember that," stated Evelyn.
The sisters were seen dancing, laughing, singing, watching movies, and playing cards while taking care of Traci, to cheer her up in her last days on The Braxtons. Toni praised her fighting spirit and explained that Traci didn't give up till the last day of her life even though doctors had predicted her demise a year back.
After fighting a year-long battle, Traci passed away, leaving the sisters to continue with their music endeavors. Toni further explained that Traci wanted the sisters to continue their journey and share her battle with cancer to give courage to the victims already suffering from the illness. Toni herself exclaimed that tough times could bring people closer together and that's their intention with the show.
The latest episodes of The Braxtons will be released on WeTV at 9:30 pm ET/PT.