The drama-filled reality series Baddies Midwest follows a group of ambitious women as they navigate fame, personal rivalries, and professional challenges. Episode 6 of Baddies Midwest is set to air on Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST on the Zeus Network.
Following the intense confrontations and notable house management changes in episode 5, fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming episode. The sneak peek shared by Zeus Network’s official Instagram account hints at escalating tensions, particularly between cast members Big Lex and Jelaminah "Jela" Lanier.
The cast will prepare for their next Detroit outing, and viewers can expect high-energy confrontations and new dynamics among the stars.
Baddies Midwest episode 6: Release timings and what to expect
The following are the release dates and timings for the upcoming episode of the Baddies Midwest, along with the corresponding time zones:
The sneak peek shared on the Zeus Network’s Instagram provided a glimpse into the fiery interactions in Baddies Midwest episode 6. The focus seems to be on the escalating feud between Big Lex and Jela.
During the heated exchange, Jela yelled:
"I'm thinking that you have merit to voice your opinion on something that you are watching as a viewer. And you have experience for yourself. You got it f****** wrong, okay? So who are you to understand me?"
Big Lex, determined to stand her ground, responded in a confessional:
"Everybody knows that Jela's time is f****** up. Like, you're so 2000. You gotta go, like nobody likes you."
The Instagram caption for the post added to the anticipation, stating:
"Oop! 😯 Not '2000…' 😩 @iambiglex__ wants OG @sewjela to hang it up & fight someone her own size on #BaddiesMidwest!! 🤯"
In the video posted on Instagram, Big Lex was getting ready for a physical confrontation, and she seemed ready to take things further. Fans are left speculating whether Jela will defend her position or step away from the escalating drama.
What happened in the previous episode: Recap of episode 5
Episode 5 of Baddies Midwest, titled Outside in the Don, aired on November 24, 2024, and was packed with action and conflict. The episode featured multiple physical altercations, most notably involving Big Lex.
Tensions flared when Jela confronted Big Lex over critical remarks about her behavior in previous seasons. The verbal disagreement quickly escalated into a physical altercation, requiring security personnel to separate the two.
Later in the episode, Big Lex found herself in another confrontation with Ivori, leading to another physical clash that necessitated security involvement.
Despite the chaos, Rollie Pollie attempted to mediate the conflicts, suggesting designated areas for future disagreements to maintain order.
To address ongoing tensions, Natalie Nunn made significant changes in house management. She appointed Biggie as the supervisor of the new cast members, acknowledging her ability to manage conflicts effectively. Explaining her decision, Natalie said:
"Biggie needs to stay in the house number one because somebody needs to be an OG watching over the newbies and two, you know, she just was standing on business in the backyard when the girl called her out."
This episode of Baddies Midwest also highlighted the cast’s first group performance of the season in Detroit. Natalie Nunn introduced a new “Baddie bus” to transport the cast, reminiscent of previous seasons. She announced:
"It's Baddie season 6, we're back in the States, the Baddie bus is back. It's time to get ready."
The Detroit show marked the cast’s first official booking, bringing them together despite ongoing conflicts. Cast member Jaidyn shared her excitement:
"I love to perform because I'm pushing what I like to do. And I think it is cool as f**k that a lot of us get to come together and put together a show for a crowd in any city, in any time, in any day, and do what we love to do."
Baddies Midwest episode 6 will air on Zeus Network this Sunday, December 1, at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST.