Big Brother, the celebrated reality TV game show broadcast by CBS, has returned for its twenty-sixth season. The new season premiered on July 17-18, with veteran host Julie Chen Moonves continuing her role. The show invited 16 houseguests and will last for 90 days, as confirmed by the show's schedule.
The house is specially built every season, depending on its theme. This year's theme is AI, and therefore, this year's house is built in a unique way to demonstrate AI aesthetics. The house is located on Sound Stage 18 at CBS Studios, also known as Radford Studio Center, in the Studio City district of Loa Angeles.
This season, in an exciting twist, the show has introduced a 17th guest, Ainsley, an Artificial Intelligence entity who got into the house by houseguests' votes. As the whole house is AI-themed, Ainsley fits right in and brings an upgraded power along with it in the game.
Big Brother 26 house location explored
Season 26 introduced the audience to an innovative, AI-themed house that brought new elements to the show. The interior is distinctively designed to complement this season's theme, keeping in mind the format of the show.
The house is situated in Los Angeles, at Radford Studios, also known as CBS Studio Center, in the Studio City lot of Saint Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California. The lot consists of around 18 sound stages, one of them being Big Brother season 26. As mentioned, the set of the show is designed on sound stage 18 of the lot based on the futuristic theme resonating with the AI concept.
The location of the show has been an important place, as many famous Hollywood studios are also located here. In 1928, Mack Sennett, a silent film producer, founded Radford Studios. The studio has since hosted the production of some very famous films featuring stars like Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Fatty Arbuckle, and many more.
Season 26 welcomed 16 contestants to the studio, giving them the experience of the AI world. The rooms are designed with specific prompts, such as bedrooms inspired by the fantasy fairy garden, the back bedroom with the theme of rocket planets, and the most distinct being the Have-Not Room, which reportedly is only made of a wireframe skeleton as BB AI crashed during its making. As of now, three contestants have been eliminated. The remaining contestants are:
- Angela Murray
- Brooklyn Rivera
- Cam Sullivan-Brown
- Cedric Hodges
- Chelsie Baham
- Joseph Rodriguez
- Kimo Apaka
- Leah Peters
- Makensy Manbeck
- Quinn Martin
- Rubina Bernabe
- T'kor Clottey
- Tucker Des Lauriers
The theme of Big Brother season 26
Big Brother always comes up with a unique theme for all its seasons. Each season follows a different theme, and the house is designed accordingly. The theme for season 26 of the show was 'AI.'
As reported by Parade on July 9, 2024, the executive producers of the show, Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan, said during a press release that this year's theme will surely add to the hype of the show and will bring more entertainment. The statement read:
"This summer’s ‘BB AI’ theme promises to bring the fun, the comedy, and the unexpected gameplay that is a hallmark of Big Brother."
The show has stunned the audience earlier also with its creative themes, for eg, season 25 had 'Big Brother multiverse' as its theme, where the house was divided into 4 sections, Comicverse, Humiliverse, Scaryverse, and Scrambleverse.
The new episodes of Big Brother 26 air on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS at 9 pm ET.