Premiered on January 13, 2025, Love Island All Stars season 2 has brought back contestants from previous seasons of the British dating show for another chance at finding a connection. One of the returning islanders is Sammy Root, a 23-year-old influencer and a TOWIE star from Hastings, who first appeared on Love Island season 10 in 2023.
Fans who want to follow Sammy Root on Instagram can find him under the username @sammyroot_. With over 350k followers, he shares updates from his Love Island All Stars journey, personal moments, and other glimpses into his life.
Everything to know about Love Island All Stars' Sammy Root
Who is Sammy Root?
Born on May 10, 2001, Sammy Root is 23-year-old television personality from Hastings in Kent. According to Heart Radio, he worked as a project manager before his appearance on Love Island. He gained recognition on season 10 of Love Island, where he initially joined as a bombshell.
During his time on the show, Sammy's relationships were dynamic, including a brief recoupling during Casa Amor with Amber Wise and another connection with Leah Taylor. However, it was his relationship with Jess Harding that gained popularity.
Sammy and Jess went on to win the show, being crowned king and queen during the live final. Despite their strong connection in the villa, they announced their breakup on Instagram in October 2023, as reported by Cosmopolitan.
In his Instagram Story, Sammy expressed his feelings about the end of their relationship, acknowledging the experience they shared but noting that things did not work out as expected. He called Jess an "amazing woman" and wished her all the best.
Meanwhile, Jess also shared her sentiments about the split during a Q&A session on Instagram. She mentioned that the differences between their personalities contributed to their breakup:
"We're just very different and behave differently and that's it."
After his time on Love Island, Sammy became involved with The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE), joining its 33rd series in late 2024. Though he and Elma Pazar, a fellow TOWIE cast member, were not seen together on screen, they share similar social circles and have worked on the show at different times.
Sammy's Instagram presence
Love Island All Stars' Sammy Root shares a variety of personal and professional moments with his followers on his Instagram @sammyroot_. His posts range from event highlights to travel experiences. One notable post from October 2023 featured a series of photos from the Pride of Britain event, where Sammy attended and expressed his admiration for the award recipients.
In another post from December 2024, Sammy was seen trekking. The caption mentioned his spontaneous decision to climb Snowdon early in the morning:
"Decisions at 10pm to climb snowdon at 4am 👣"
Moreover, Sammy posted images from his trip to Ko Pha-ngan in Thailand in November 2024, accompanied by a caption:
"Have you seen my smile? It’s great"
He shared another set of photos in October 2024 from Maya Bay in Phi Phi Island, celebrating his visit to a location featured in the popular film The Beach. He also uploaded images from Milan, Italy, in September 2024.
Stay up to date with all the twists and turns—watch Love Island All Stars now on ITV2 and ITVX!