The 29th season of The Bachelor premiered on January 27, 2025, featuring Grant Ellis as the lead. Among the 25 contestants vying for his affection is Alexe Godin, a 27-year-old pediatric speech therapist from New Brunswick, Canada. Alexe Godin received the highly anticipated first impression rose on the season premiere.
The Bachelor contestant is active on Instagram under the handle @alexe.godin, where she shares glimpses of her life, including her professional endeavors and personal interests.
The Bachelor season 29 star Alexe Godin loves to travel and stay fit
Alexe Godin, 27, hails from New Brunswick, Canada. She works as a pediatric speech therapist. According to Cosmopolitan, growing up on a farm surrounded by animals such as goats, bunnies, and chickens, Alexe developed a deep love for animals from a young age.
Alexe travels, plays beach volleyball, stays fit, and connects with others when she can. Alexe is also fluent in French.
The Bachelor contestant reportedly loves making her friends laugh and reportedly wants to find a partner who shares her value system, like being open-minded and hardworking.
On the premiere episode of The Bachelor season 29, Alexe received the First Impression Rose, marking a memorable moment in the competition. This early recognition indicates a potential strong connection with Grant Ellis, where he said:
“Aside from being beautiful, I think that you’re funny, you’re smart, you’re intelligent and I had a great time.”
Alexe's Instagram presence
The Bachelor contestant is active on Instagram, where she shares a variety of content that offers insight into her life, including travel, charity work, and personal experiences. Her Instagram handle is @alexe.godin, where she posts a mix of images and videos.
On January 13, 2025, Alexe posted a video featuring her participation in a volunteer effort to support animals affected by the Los Angeles fires. The video highlights her involvement with several charitable organizations. In her video, she expressed her desire to help animals displaced by the fires, saying:
"We wanted to help the thousands of pets and wildlife who have been displaced from the LA fires."
A December 29, 2024, post reflects on her past year, with a series of photos and videos showcasing her adventures. The caption humorously describes her as "the friend who can't choose a lifestyle," offering a lighthearted take on her diverse interests and experiences.
Alexe also shares casual moments from her life, as seen in her November 11, 2024, post where she jokingly talks about taking the train to San Diego instead of driving. She captioned the post:
"if you took the train to san diego because you're too lazy to do a 2 hour drive with your car comb your hand thru your hair🥰🫦 "
Another post from August 23, 2024, captures her travels with friends, reinforcing her love for exploring new places and spending time with her inner circle.
In addition to her charity work and travels, Alexe shares personal moments like her time in Italy, which she documented on July 27, 2024, where The Bachelor contestant wrote:
"photos of positano and me eating gelato...if u even care"
Catch the latest episode of The Bachelor every Monday at 8 pm ET, only on ABC!