Dance Moms: A New Era a reboot of the popular 2011 reality TV show Dance Moms, aired on Hulu on August 7, 2024. The show revolves around the kids and their moms, who are involved in the dancing show business.
The show features the new coach Gloria Hampton, with a new set of kids, and their moms. The show also captures the outside drama that goes beyond the studio and training.
The 2011 version of the show was originally broadcast on Lifetime. However, the renewed version is now available on Hulu, a streaming platform that provides a 30-day free trial and a range of subscription options. The official synopsis of Dance Moms: A New Era reads:
"Dance Moms: A New Era is a reboot of the ever-so-popular Dance Moms. This time, with a new coach, new dancers, and new mama drama. Introducing beloved dance coach, Glo Hampton, who wants to take her students and prestigious dance school Studio Bleu to the next level - competing nationally every week."
It further reads:
"But the road to glory won’t be an easy one. Coach Glo must juggle her tiny but mighty dancers, their scheming moms, and ensuing meltdowns, all while ruling with a tender but tough iron fist."
Where to stream Dance Moms: A New Era?
Dance Moms: A New Era is available for streaming on Hulu, with all episodes released on August 7, 2024. The series comprises 10 episodes, all of which can be accessed on Hulu. Audiences who are interested in watching the show can take advantage of a 30-day free trial of Hulu. After the trial, the subscription costs $7.99 per month with ads or $17.99 per month without ads.
Hulu is currently running a special promotion that offers a significant discount to fans who opt for the bundle subscription. By choosing the Hulu bundle package, one can get access to the added benefits of Disney+ and ESPN+. It is available for just $14.99 per month with ads and $24.99 per month without ads on Disney+ and Hulu.
Those interested in live access to the platform can enjoy a 3-day free trial of Hulu+Live TV by signing up through a Disney+ account. This access will also include Disney+, ESPN+, and over 95 channels.
The trailer of Dance Moms: A New Era
The official trailer of the show was released on July 18, 2024, on the YouTube channel of Hulu. The trailer introduced the new coach, Gloria Hampton, talking to kids about the upcoming Nationals that are in 6 weeks, and they seemed to be not prepared for it.
In the trailer, the kids and their moms, who are part of a reality show, are shown working hard to handle the pressure. The kids seemed determined to keep their spot in the group and win. In addition to the competition drama, the trailer also showed the mothers getting into dramatic fights and accusing each other of jealousy.
Gloria lashed out at one of the mothers as she was clear that she didn't want any drama around her practices. She also expressed that she is scared about the final performance. She said:
"This is going to be the first time that the dance world is going to see this group and I'm really scared."
The cast list of the participants in the show is as follows:
- Ashlan (11) and mom, Lisa
- Audrey (13) and mom, Tammi
- Bellatrix (11) and mom, Roxce
- Leilah Bell (10) and mom Leslie
- Lily (11) and mom Corinne
- Gina (11) and mom, Jing
- Mina (8) and mom, Min
- Isabella 'Smiley' (10) and mom, Domenica
All the episodes of Dance Moms: A New Era are streaming on Hulu.