The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras premiered on August 14, 2024, at 8 pm ET/PT on MTV, marking 40 years of the longest-running reality TV game series. Hosted by TJ Lavin, the show features contestants from previous seasons, divided into four eras, competing for a $1 million prize. While the show airs officially on MTV, fans can watch the latest episodes a day later on streaming platforms like Hulu, Philo, DirecTV Stream, and Fubo through subscription-based models.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
"The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras will feature 40 legendary competitors from the series’ 26-year history representing their “Challenge Era” in an epic battle for the ages where legends will collide as they strive to immortalize their names as Challenge 40 Champions and earn their share of the one million dollar prize. With relentless, new challenges and twists, these seasoned Veterans are perpetually kept on their toes in the game they thought they had mastered."
Where to watch The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras
The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras has aired its first episode. MTV is the only original broadcast channel for the show, but those without a basic cable connection can also stream the show via an online streaming platform and cable streaming channels as well.
Hulu+LiveTV is offering a subscription-based model to the viewers along with the added benefit of Live TV streaming. The package comes with 3 days of free trial, and after that fans can buy a monthly subscription of $76.99 which will come with the added benefit of 90+ live TV channels like ABC and ESPN.
Another cable streaming option is DirecTV Stream which comes with the added benefit of local channels like ABC and NBC, ESPN, and MTV as well. The subscription allows a 5-day free trial after which the monthly charge will be $79.99. The viewers interested in buying the subscription can check out all the options available at
Fubo is similar to DirecTV Stream which comes with a 7-day free trial at the cost of $79.99.But Fubo provides 100 plus channels and also provides an option to record the TV show of your choice. The added local channels tagged with the subscription include ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, TLC, MTV, and many more.
Amongst all these options, the most affordable one for viewers is Philo which comes with a subscription of only $28 per month with a 7-day free trial. The platform has 70 Live TV channels which includes MTV as well.
Viewers can also stream the previous season of The Challenge on Paramount+.
The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras cast line-up
Season 40 of the show came with a twist where it welcomed the veteran contestants from the series' 26 years of history to compete with each other. The first episode was aired on August 14, 2024, and as seen the cast is divided into 4 different eras. The cast list includes some veteran winners like Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio, CT Tamburello, Darrell Taylor, Jordan Wiseley, and more.
Here is the entire cast line-up for season 40 of The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras:
Seasons 1-10:
Tina Barta
Katie Cooley
Aneesa Fereira
Brad Fiorenza
Derrick Kosinski
Mark Long
Rachel Robinson
CT Tamburello
Darrell Taylor
Jodi Weatherton
Seasons 11-20:
Derek Chavez
Nehemiah Clark
Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio
KellyAnne Judd
Ryan Kehoe
Aviv Melmed
Brandon Nelson
Emily Schromm
Cara Maria Sorbello
Laurel Stucky
Seasons 21-30:
Tori Deal
Amanda Garcia
Leroy Garrett
Jonna Mannion
Nia Moore
Tony Raines
Averey Tressler
Devin Walker
Cory Wharton
Jordan Wiseley
Season 31-39:
Paulie Calafiore
Theo Campbell
Kaycee Clark
Michele Fitzgerald
Horacio Gutiérrez Jr.
Olivia Kaiser
Josh Martinez
Nurys Mateo
Jenny West
Episode 1 of The Challenge 40: Battle of Eras is available on MTV to watch. The next episode will air on August 21, 2024 at 8 pm ET/PT.