Hulu’s reality series The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives follows the lives of eight women, all part of the MomTok community on TikTok. The show highlights their unique experiences - balancing motherhood and faith within the Mormon community. One of the cast members, Jen Affleck, has gained attention for her family connection to actor Ben Affleck.
Jen Affleck is married to Zac Affleck, Ben Affleck’s second cousin. Jen explained her connection to the Hollywood actor during an episode of The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives. Making a light-hearted reference to Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Lopez, with whom she shares her first name and middle name 'Lynn,' she stated,
“I’m definitely the first Jennifer Affleck.”
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives star Jennifer's connection to Ben Affleck
Jen Affleck’s connection to actor Ben Affleck through her husband Zac became a point of interest for viewers of The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, as Zac is a distant cousin of the Hollywood star.
In conversation with People, Jennifer also commented on her coincidental connection with Ben's actor-singer wife JLo:
“My name happens to be not only Jen but Jennifer Lynn Affleck, which is the exact same as JLo. She went from Jennifer Lynn Lopez to Jennifer Lynn Affleck, which is so crazy.”
This has led to some light-hearted moments on social media, where Jen has acknowledged her shared name with Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Lopez. In a TikTok video posted on September 1, 2024, Jen humorously lip-synced to Lopez’s song Jenny from the Block while getting highlights at a salon. The video’s caption read,
“The new Jenny from the block.”
This was not the first time Jen had referenced her name connection to Lopez; in a previous 2022 TikTok video, Jen danced with her daughter while a text appeared on the screen that read,
“When you thought you were going to be the next JLO… But instead… She stole your name.”
Who are Jen and Zac Affleck?
Jen Affleck and Zac Affleck met through a Mormon dating app in 2018. The couple began their relationship when Jen was 18. In a TikTok video, Zac described his initial thoughts about her, saying,
“From the day I met Jen, I knew she had this crazy potential to just touch people’s lives, to make people feel loved, to kind of have an impact on people.”
On January 1, 2019, the pair announced their engagement online on Instagram, getting married seven months later in June 2019. Zac is currently attending medical school, and Jen has taken on the role of the family’s breadwinner, about which she shared,
“I definitely have felt a lot of pressure, especially with my husband going to med school. Med school is not cheap.”
Her decision to join The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and become a social media influencer was driven by her goal to provide for her family during Zac’s studies.
Jen Affleck’s role in The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives
Jen Affleck's participation in The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives enabled her to spotlight aspects of her life while helping her family financially. When asked about her experience with the other participants, she stated,
"We didn't know if the show was going to be a sure thing, so I ended up becoming friends with them just because of this link. And then the show happened, and now we're all best friends."
Jen's time on the program has been defined by her tight friendship with her co-stars, as well as her chance to be her "full real self." The series has given her a platform to tell her narrative while juggling her roles as a wife, mother, and influencer. In an interview with TODAY, she remarked on her filming experience, stating that she "forgot the cameras were there" throughout the process.
Family life and parenthood
Jennifer and Zac Affleck have two children. The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives star became a mother at the age of 21 with the birth of their daughter, Nora. She reflected on her experience of becoming a parent at a young age on Instagram in May 2024:
"Life surprised me with motherhood at 21, but I quickly realized it was all part of God’s beautiful plan. Here’s to embracing the greatest calling and blessing that life can offer."
Nora's birth marked the beginning of their parenthood journey, which later expanded with the addition of their second child. Jen and Zac gave birth to their son Luca in July 2023. While Zac balances medical school and parenting, Jen recognizes the difficulties of doing so. Jen dedicated an Instagram video montage in honor of Zac on Father's Day in 2024. Her caption read,
"We were so young when we first became parents, with lots to learn, but Zac has always been there every step of the way. Even with dedicating time to school, he's never wavered in giving Nora and Luca everything they need."
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives is available for streaming on Hulu starting September 6, allowing audiences to explore the lives of the cast members, including Jen Affleck’s journey as a mother, wife, and influencer.