In The Traitors season 3, which premiered on Peacock on January 9, 2025, 23 contestants compete in a high-stakes social strategy game for a grand cash prize. Hosted by Alan Cumming, the show features a mix of reality TV veterans and newcomers, as they navigate challenges, form alliances, and attempt to uncover the hidden Traitors among them.
Banishments have been a crucial element in shaping the course of the game, with contestants being voted out during tense Round Table discussions. So far, only two contestants have been banished: Wells Adams, who was voted out after raising suspicions during early missions, and Tony Vlachos, whose strategic reputation and reserved gameplay made him a target at the Round Table.
A look at the banished contestants in The Traitors season 3
1) Wells Adams
The first banishment of the season took place in the opening episode when Wells Adams was eliminated from the game. At the start of The Traitors season 3, the players faced a tough decision; they had to decide whether to allow Rob Mariano, a former Survivor winner, to join the game at the expense of another contestant. This decision was crucial as it would influence the dynamics within the group.
Although there were deliberations over whether to bring Rob into the game, the players ultimately decided not to do so. As a result, Rob was escorted off the premises, only to later return as a Traitor, adding a new layer of intrigue. During the first Round Table, the Traitors were selected by host Alan, who chose Danielle, Carolyn, and Bob D.Q. for this role.
At this point, Wells was considered a low-level threat by many players, and during the subsequent mission, suspicions began to rise around him. Wells’ departure came after an intense Round Table in episode 2, where he was accused of being a Traitor.
Wells Adams was banished after receiving 5 votes, which came from Carolyn, Robyn, Jeremy, Sam, and Tony. Ivan received 4 votes from Bob H, Bob the Drag Queen, Ciara, and Dolores, while Robyn also got 4 votes, from Danielle, Dylan, Gabby, and Wells. Meanwhile, Jeremy got 2 votes, and Ayan, Dolores, Tom, and Tony received 1 vote each.
2) Tony Vlachos
The second major banishment occurred in episode 3 when Tony Vlachos was sent home. Tony, a well-known figure from Survivor, had initially come into The Traitors with a reputation for being a strategic and competitive player. However, as the game progressed, his actions and behavior began to raise red flags among the other contestants.
Tony's downfall began when he failed to engage in certain strategic conversations and hesitated to take risks during the group’s first major mission. Players began questioning his motives and doubting his commitment to the group.
Bob H. specifically called out Tony for not volunteering to give up his position during the mission, which added to suspicions about his true allegiances. Despite efforts to deflect attention from himself, Tony found it increasingly difficult to justify his behavior to the group.
As the Round Table approached, Tony's reputation kept worsening. A few players spoke out about his suspicious actions, and the influence of Rob Mariano was instrumental in turning the group against him.
Tony Vlachos was then banished with 14 votes, cast by Bob H., Britney, Carolyn, Ciara, Chrishelle, Danielle, Derrick, Dolores, Gabby, Nikki, Rob, Robyn, Sam, and Tom. Ivar received 2 votes from Bob the Drag Queen and Wes. Additionally, Bob H. received 1 vote from Tony, Bob the Drag Queen got 1 vote from Dylan, Robyn received 1 vote from Ivar, and Tom received 1 vote from Jeremy.
Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode 4 of The Traitors on Thursday, January 16, at 9 PM ET, exclusively on Peacock.