Love is Blind UK premiered its first season on August 7, 2024, on Netflix. In the show, contestants sought love based on personal connection rather than physical appearance. One of the standout participants in the show is Catherine Richards.
Catherine Richards is a 30-year-old dental nurse from Jersey. Her Instagram bio describes her as a dancer and a performer. During the show, Catherine was one of the first to go on dates and openly shared her background, including her adoption by her parents.
Catherine explored connections with Freddie and Ollie. She got engaged to Freddie, and the pair spent a beautiful time on their honeymoon.
More details about Love is Blind UK's Catherine
On her date with Freddie, Catherine revealed that she used to be a swimmer and currently teaches swimming to children with Down syndrome.
Catherine has an Instagram account (@catrichards94) with 17k followers and over 80 posts. She likes to share photos of her day outs and her fancy outfits. On the platform, she follows her Love is Blind UK cast mates Demi, Maria, and Jasmine.
On May 5, 2024, she posted a photo celebrating her birthday with the caption, "It’s giving I’m 30 and thriving." Additionally, one of her posts shows that she has previously worked as a boxing ring girl.
Catherine on being adopted
On her date with Freddie on the show, Catherine talked about her family and her experience as an adopted child. She told Freddie that at first, she was okay with her situation, but later in her 20s, she was not sure of who she was.
"Growing up, I was like, 'Oh, it never really bothered me' and then as I got later 20s, I was like looking in the mirror, and obviously I was just like, 'Who am I?'. And I always see families and what they look like. And I never really knew what I looked like," she said.
Catherine also revealed that she used to find it difficult to date men because of her sensitive side and later closed herself off. She stated that none of the men she met understood this aspect of her life. However, she felt that if she wanted to find a deep connection in Love is Blind UK, she would need to express every part of herself.
Catherine's Love is Blind UK journey
Catherine was initially torn between funeral director Freddie Powell and Ollie Sutherland. Ollie later cleared things up with Catherine, told her that he felt a stronger bond with Demi Brown, and decided that he would be pursuing her. This made it easier for Catherine to focus her attention on Freddie Powell.
Everything seemed to align for Catherine and Freddie as they bonded over their common interest in working out. Eventually, Freddie proposed to Catherine, and she said yes.
After accepting Freddie's proposal, Catherine expressed that Freddie lived up to her expectations, and she feels lucky. Freddie responded by saying that he and Catherine were meant to be with each other.
Things were looking great for the Love is Blind UK couple, and they enjoyed their honeymoon time staying close to each other. However, problems began to arise after they moved in together in London. Catherine was angered when Freddie showed no interest in her lingerie conversation.
Later on in Love is Blind UK, Catherine and Freddie argued over having a prenup. Freddie wanted a prenup and wished for his house to go to his sister after he died. This did not sit well with Catherine, as she got a feeling that Freddie was not all in.
Love is Blind UK episodes are available to stream on Netflix.