Love Is Blind Mexico, a Netflix original, premiered on August 1, 2024. 30 contestants entered the show to find love, but they had to do so without seeing the other person. One of the participants, Chema Rivera, found what he was looking for and got engaged to Silvia Delgado.
According to Chema's Love is Blind bio, Chema Rivera is a 36-year-old entrepreneur and professional poker player. He got sixth place in the 2023 World Poker Tour and won $10,600. Chema enjoys spending time with his daughter, Antonella, who is the center of his happiness.
The professional poker player says that he is all about taking risks, and being on the show was one of them. He joined the reality show to get out of his comfort zone and fall for a girl without thinking about her looks.
Chema's Love is Blind Mexico journey explored
At the start of Love Is Blind Mexico, Chema had his eyes on 30-year-old model Silvia Delgado and 28-year-old opera singer Alejandra Caletti. While he found family values in both women, he formed a deeper connection with Silvia and chose to pursue her.
Chema and Silvia clicked and began to open up to each other. He told her he went through tough times and never wanted to commit to anyone. But then he changed his mind and hoped to find the love of his life.
Later, Silvia was shocked when she found out about Chema's daughter. In her confession, the 30-year-old model said that she was in doubt after the revelation. If she were to commit, Chema and his daughter would come in as a package. Silvia later thanked Chema for telling her about her daughter, and the pair grew even closer.
In episode 3, Chema expressed that he wanted to meet Alejandra. When they finally saw each other, he told her that he was touched by her letter and the gift for his daughter, but he ultimately wanted to pursue Silvia instead.
Chema Rivera and Silvia Delgado's engagement
Chema and Silvia got engaged in Love Is Blind Mexico episode 3. However, before facing Silvia, Chema admitted that he was nervous.
"The truth is I'm nervous right now because I'm very picky when it comes to a woman's physical appearance. So let's see if I'm gonna get my heart broken or not. I'm super nervous," he said.
They met each other and looked content. Silvia said that she too was nervous, but Chema comforted her by complimenting her smile.
In Love Is Blind Mexico episode 4, the couple went on their honeymoon in Tulum and enjoyed spending time together. They met each other's parents, and they were happy that everyone was supportive.
Chema and Silvia were sure about their future and looked forward to their Love Is Blind Mexico wedding. On their wedding day, while speaking out her vows, Silvia said:
"The way we love is so different. It's us; it's unique and it's meant to be. Like a fairy tale that is destined to have a happy ending. Thanks to both the Pepes, who from heaven outlined our paths so that you and I could be here today."
To which Chema said:
"My darling Silvia, you are a warrior who won't be defeated by anything or anyone. Thank you for making this experiment a journey full of joy, tears, funny moments, serious moments, and truthful moments."
However, when it came to making things official and saying "I do," Silvia kissed Chema and took him to a quiet place where only they could talk. The model said that she loved him and wanted to be with him, but they did not have to follow the rules. They decide to continue to date each other and forget what others think about them.
Love Is Blind Mexico premiered on August 1, 2024, and is available to stream on Netflix.