On Thursday, January 9, 2025, Beast Games released its fifth episode, showcasing nine players, who separated from the remaining contestants, taking on various challenges to win a $1.8 million private island. However, to own the land, they had to win games designed to test their limits. One of those was a game of trust involving boxes that eliminated player 413, Misha.
The challenge required the contestants to take turns selecting boxes, one of which would contain a red cross. Whichever participant chose the one with the cross would immediately get eliminated from the show while the remaining players would advance to the next stage.
The challenge would also have a leader who would not only place the cross in one of the boxes but also select the chronology in which each player would get to make their choice. Since the players would be unaware of their leader's decision, they would have to rely on instinct while finalizing a box. However, their leader could also end their journey by misguiding them into selecting the wrong box.
Misha was the third player to make a choice, who failed to receive any guidance from his leader. After much deliberation, he chose box 2 which contained the cross, ending his time on Beast Games.
What happened during the box challenge in Beast Games episode 5?
After the Beast Games contestants voted off Laric, Mr. Beast introduced the next challenge to the remaining five players. However, before explaining anything he asked the participants to agree on a leader. Unaware of the roles and responsibilities, Harrison, Brennan, Mia, and Misha, all nominated themselves to become the captain.
Since player 457, Esteban did not volunteer, Brennan thought it was "fair" if he selected the team leader. Esteban chose player 441, Harrison, for the role, upsetting Brennan. While explaining the rules of the game and the importance of the captain's role, Mr. Beast said:
"If he [captain] hates you, he could lie and say he put the ex in that box or he could tell you the truth and help you get a check. I hope you guys are happy with your captain choice."
Upon hearing that, Mia, known as player 952, began worrying about her position in the game. When Harrison asked her if she had any suggestions, she urged him to do whatever he thought would be the best. Later, while talking to the other participants, Mia confessed she could not trust Harrison's words since he was a stranger.
"We don't know him. Don't know how y'all picked this leader," she added.
Elsewhere, while speaking to the cameras, Harrison stated he would try to "manipulate" people into choosing the wrong box. He also confessed that he wanted to eliminate player 711 or 413.
The Beast Games cast member allowed Esteban to make the first choice, saying he wanted to repay him for making him the captain. When Esteban chose box 1, Harrison assured him that he was safe. Soon after, rapper Lil Yachty, joined Mr. Beast to watch the players select boxes.
Next up was player 952, Mia, who trusted her instinct and ignored Harrison's words. Ultimately, she picked box 5. When player 413, Misha, arrived, Harrison confessed he would not guide him to a box with a check. The Beast Games player stared at the ground throughout Misha's turn, unwilling to give away any reaction to help him. After some thought, Misha decided to go with box 2.
Brennan, player 711, asked Harrison if the cross was picked. When the leader answered in the affirmative, Brennan said he wanted box 3. That left Harrison with box 4.
Once the boxes were opened, Misha found himself with the cross, realizing that his journey on Beast Games had come to an end.
Beast Games can be streamed exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.