The second series of Love Island: All Stars, a spin-off of the popular reality show Love Island, began broadcasting on ITV2 on January 13, 2025. Hosted by Maya Jama, the show brings back former contestants from previous seasons for another chance at finding love, this time in a glamorous villa in South Africa.
Unlike the traditional format where Islanders choose their initial partners, the first pairings of the season were determined by a public vote before the show’s launch. The first couples are Gabby Allen and Marcel Somerville, Curtis Pritchard and Kaz Crossley, Catherine Agbaje and Nas Majeed, India Reynolds and Scott Thomas, Luca Bish, and Olivia Hawkins, and Ronnie Vint and Elma Pazar.
Meet the first couples of Love Island: All Stars
1) Gabby Allen and Marcel Somerville
Gabby Allen and Marcel Somerville were paired together, reigniting memories of their past relationship from Love Island season 3. The duo dated after the show but split following allegations of infidelity. Addressing their history, Somerville admitted,
“I ended up playing the field while I was still in the relationship—wasn’t the best choice.”
However, he claimed to have changed since then. Allen, who has been single for a year, jokingly remarked that Somerville would be relegated to the day beds this time.
2) Kaz Crossley and Curtis Pritchard
Curtis Pritchard from Season 5 and Kaz Crossley from season 4 were paired by viewers. Pritchard expressed excitement, as he had previously been in a high-profile relationship with Maura Higgins that eventually ended. Crossley, who had also been in a notable relationship with Josh Denzel, shared,
“I thought it was the real deal, but then we broke up.”
Both seemed optimistic about exploring their connection in the villa.
3) Catherine Agbaje and Nas Majeed
Nas Majeed, a season 6 contestant, and Catherine Agbaje from season 10 formed another couple. Majeed was previously in a long-term relationship with Eva Zapico, but they eventually parted ways. Reflecting on his return, he stated,
“Fingers crossed I find love again.”
Agbaje expressed her intentions saying that she wants to be a "wifey". Both appeared hopeful about starting fresh in this unique setting.
4) India Reynolds and Scott Thomas
India Reynolds, who described herself as a “bad dater,” was paired with Scott Thomas, a veteran Islander from season 2. The two have known each other for years but had never crossed into romantic territory.
“We have known each other for a long time, but let’s see what happens,” Reynolds said.
Thomas added that while they had always been friends, this opportunity could lead to something more.
5) Olivia Hawkins and Luca Bish
Luca Bish from season 8 and Olivia Hawkins from season 9 were matched together. Bish, known for his previous relationship with Gemma Owen, reflected on its short-lived nature, saying,
“My relationship with Gemma lasted a few months… too long.”
Hawkins, who mentioned that her love life had worsened since her last appearance, was optimistic about their pairing. Bish expressed enthusiasm, stating,
“She’s a beautiful girl, and it will be nice to get to know her.”
6) Elma Pazar and Ronnie Vint
Ronnie Vint from season 11 and Elma Pazar from Season 5 were the final couple announced. Vint, who had been involved in several love triangles during his first stint, pledged to take a different approach this time. Pazar, who was on the show for just six days in 2019, expressed gratitude for being paired with Vint. Both seemed eager to explore their connection further in the villa.
Episodes of Love Island: All Stars air daily on ITV2 at 9 PM, except on Saturdays. Tune in to catch all the drama, romance, and excitement as it unfolds!