The Masked Singer season 11 aired its season finale on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. The segment saw the finalists Gumball and Goldfish get unmasked as the latter became the winner of the Fox show.
Goldfish was revealed to be the famed actress Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical and Gumball was Scott Porter, a television actor who previously appeared in Friday Night Lights.
During the segment, ahead of the big reveal, Nick Cannon announced that the finalists once shared a screen as they were both a part of the 2009 movie, Bandslam.
As part of Scott's final performances, he sang Latch by Disclosure and Renegade by Styx. Hudgens sang Heart of Gold by Blondie and Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me by Elton John during The Masked Singer season 11.
All clues for Gumball on The Masked Singer season 11 explored
As part of the Fox singing competition's format, every episode provides hints and clues about each contestant as they perform on stage. In the season premiere, Gumball's clue package included an American South sign with a heart on it, a drum set and a guitar, a black spider with a red and white mushroom, and a horse-drawn carriage.
During the segment, Nick Cannon asked him who inspired him from The Wizard of Oz and the performer said:
"Well, for me, it's the Tin Man. When you met him, he was a little rusty. Maybe just like me."
He later added that he knew he wanted to be on a stage but didn't know where to start and did everything to get an audience.
"I beatboxed on the street, I performed at theme parks, and even got booed off the stage at a competition for winning! It felt like nothing seemed to stick. I watched everyone else around me succeed time and time again."
In another episode, the contestant spoke about his wife and said that she was the leading lady in his life. He recalled the night they met and said that she looked like an "angel" from across the room. The Masked Singer season 11 contestant noted that he knew immediately that he wanted to spend his life with her.
His visual clue package included a carnival on a piet, angel wings and a halo, a Ferris wheel, a crescent moon, a bowling ball, his wife's portrait, and a prom king banner.
In the next episode, he revealed that before his first performance on the show, he told his wife that he didn't think he would be able to do it. Gumball added that he had seen the talented people who had been a part of The Masked Singer before and didn't think he belonged.
"I've always felt like I was pretending to be something else. My family moved around a lot as a kid, and, as the perpetual new guy, I would do anything to make friends. Even when I started performing on stage, I always felt out of place. I have no formal training, no education. Despite some major successes, I still get those feelings to this day."
His visual clues included an arcade game, a yellow sportscar with X on it, and a football.
In the fifth package, he said that being Gumball allowed him to tap into his "roots" and something that he loved from the start.
He said music was his first love but he had to give that up when he moved to Hollywood to be taken seriously. The Masked Singer contestant added that he had been on television for 20 years.
Episodes of The Masked Singer season 11 are available to stream on Fox.