Outlast is back for a second season, following the success of its initial run. The upcoming installment will see 16 participants residing in a challenging environment in Little Duncan Bay, Alaska. The cast members of this new season include Emily Johnston, Drake Vliem, Tre Thomas, and Meghan Buchanan, among others.
One of the contestants Deontre (Tre) Thomas is a Glazier and arborist. Deontre, 32, is researching his Native American ancestors' hunting techniques with mentors. He learned to build snares and traps and later expanded his skills in Texas by hunting large animals with big game hunters. He is on Instagram with the username @mr.afro_indo32.
Introduction of Deontre (Tre) Thomas from Outlast season 2
Deontre (Tre) Thomas, a contestant on the show Outlast Season 2, is an expert at setting traps and snares. He is from Austin, Texas. Tre has done thorough research on the historical lifestyle of Native Americans with the help of some mentors from the Black hunting community.
He is crafting his own bows and arrows and aims to be the first person on Outlast to track and hunt a bear successfully. Currently, he is trekking across all 50 states of the USA.
The Instagram account @mr.afro_indo32 of Tre has another name from Antonio Thomas. He has over 600 followers with 743 posts where he shares his personal and show moments on the account. He also shares moments with his partner online.
Deontre's Instagram bio says that he is a Pisces. He takes to the Instagram handle to share his moments on Outlast season 2.
The fans showed appreciation for him and his relationship with Tonia on his post of September 8, 2024, where he was sharing his souvenir of the show.
What to expect from Outlast season 2?
This season is treating viewers to an adrenaline-pumping experience with the release of the initial six episodes. Season 2 on Netflix will continue the intense survival competition in the Alaskan wilderness. New survivalists with diverse skills will compete for a $1 million prize.
The premiere showcased the introduction of 16 new survivalists who were grouped into four teams, namely Alpha, Charlie, Delta, and Bravo. In the game, players can choose to leave by launching a signal flare into the sky.
In the first six episodes, a total of eight contestants were removed from the competition which made the game of survival more fierce for competitors and intriguing for audiences.
Who has been evicted from season 2?
Bayo from Alpha Team was ousted for stealing supplies at Zach's request. Julio of Charlie Team left due to severe muscle spasms from the cold, leading Meghan from the same team and Zach from the Alpha Team to also depart due to the cold.
Tonia of the Alpha Team quit because of the chilly weather, and Tre quietly absconded with the team’s supplies. Emily from Bravo Team tried to explore a nearby island but had to return, while Bri of the same team left due to health concerns.
The sequel to Outlast is currently available for streaming on Netflix, and the last two episodes of season 2 will be made available on the platform on September 11, 2024.