CBS' Survivor season 46 aired its season finale on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. During the segment, fans saw the remaining castaways, Ben Katzman, Charlie Davis, Maria Shrime Gonzalez, Kenzie Petty, and Liz Wilcox attempt to survive a little bit longer to win the grand prize of one million dollars. In the previous episode, Q Burdette was eliminated from the show.
Wednesday's segment started as the remaining contestants returned to the camp and discussions of the tribal council took place. The following day, the group took part in an immunity challenge of the season and had to race through an obstacle course, finish a puzzle, and unlock a lock with a combination. Apart from immunity, a pasta lunch and dessert reward was up for grabs.
Kenzie won the immunity challenge and after the pasta treat at the sanctuary, the group attended another tribal council. Maria was eliminated at the council. The next day, they competed in another immunity challenge ahead of the final voting which consisted of a jury of the eliminated contestants.
Ultimately, Kenzie Petty won Survivor 46.
What happened in Survivor season 46 finale?
In the finale episode of Survivor season 46, the castaways competed in two immunity challenges and took part in two tribal councils. In the first immunity challenge, Kenzie won immunity and a pasta and dessert reward which she shared with Ben.
During the first tribal council of the night, Maria was eliminated, and the next morning, the cast competed in yet another immunity challenge. In the challenge, they had to solve a logo puzzle for the CBS show.
Their timer was a pinball machine and the contestants had to finish the puzzle before the ball hit the metal track. Ben won the task and had the power to save one person and make them the second finalist.
He chose Charlie, which left Liz and Kenzie to compete in a fire-building exercise. Kenzie won the task, which eliminated Liz from Survivor season 46.
The decision was up to the Jury as to who would win the CBS show. This consisted of Tiffany, Tevin, Q, Venus, Liz, Soda, Hunter, and Maria. They based their decision on several things as Tevin wanted to keep in mind utilization while Q wanted to vote for Ben since he was able to figure out the juror's game.
Soda noted that Ben's social game might not be enough, while Venus praised Kenzie's social game but added that she needed to learn how to play the game. Tiffany believed that Kenzie was the best while Hunter said that Charlie won the most immunity challenges.
When the cast gathered, Tiffany asked the finalists about the "single moves" that changed the game. Ben recalled his social game from the Merge and said he made social connections with several cast members while Charlie said he used his and Ben's alliance of four people to convince other people so they would always be in the majority and not get voted out.
Venus then asked the Survivor season 46 finalists about the mistakes that ended up being a blessing in disguise for them, and Charlie recalled Venus' elimination. He said that although he was the only one who voted for her, his decision led Q to include Charlie into The Six alliance.
Tevin asked the finalists about using another castaway to better their own game. Ben said that whenever Q and Maria would confide in him about a plan, he would spill the beans to Kenzie, Liz, and Charlie. The jury then went into the voting booth and with a vote of 5-3, Kenzie won the show.
Episodes of Survivor season 46 are available to stream on CBS.