The much-awaited The Masked Singer season 11 finale aired on May 22, 2024, on Fox, with Goldfish being named the winner after she competed against Gumball. Her unmasking as Vanessa Hudgens wasn't surprising, as she was guessed correctly by two judges, Rita Ora, and Jenny McCarthy.
Upon her reveal, host Nick Cannon introduced her as the
"Superstar actress, singer, worldwide sensation, Vanessa Hudgens".
Gumball, the runner-up, turned out to be Scott Porter, who shocked the judges because no one saw this coming.
Goldfish and Gumball survived a fight against 14 other accomplished singers from the industry to make it to The Masked Singer finale, which was a feat in itself.
What happened in the finale of The Masked Singer season 11?
In the episode titled One Mask Takes It All, Vanessa Hudgens was named the winner after two stellar performances.
Unlike Gumball, Goldfish had never gone to the bottom two Smackdown in the entirety of the show. Gumball, on the other hand, competed in the Smackdown twice to save himself from going home - once against Afghan Hound in week 2, and then against Poodle Moth in week 10.
His place in the finals was deserving, given that he had skillfully fought through both times and saved himself from getting eliminated.
He was the first performer to kick off the finale episode. He chose to sing Latch by Disclosure.
Vanessa then chose to perform Heart of Glass by Blondie, as her first song of the night. But before singing, she left one last clue package, which said:
"As a little girl, I was never really great at expressing myself. It’s not really something I grew up around. But lately, I have been on a journey of self-discovery, and being here, I’ve been able to express myself so freely".
She continued:
"I come from a working-class family that has no connection to Hollywood whatsoever, so there’s no reason I should’ve made it. But I’m proof that with enough love, hard work and dedication, you can truly do anything".
Vanessa also said that even though she thought of herself as an actor first, she couldn't wait for her future child to arrive so that he/she could watch her perform on The Masked Singer.
After their performances, no judge guessed Scott Porter right, while Rita Ora and Jenny McCarthy agreed on Goldfish being Vanesa Hudgens.
For their second song, Scott went with Renegade by Styx, and Vanessa chose to sing Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me by Elton John.
Hudgens said that the experience had been special for her, despite being surprising, because nobody actually knew what she did. She also said that the fact that her fans saw her doing what she loves to do, lit a "fire" under her "little fishtail".
Before the big finale unmasking, host Nick Cannon revealed as a final clue that it wasn't the first time the two finalists were sharing a screen, referring to the musical movie, Bandslam, which came out in 2009 and starred both Hudgens and Porter.
Vanessa was crowned the winner after avoiding 14 eliminations. She revealed that Rita Ora was able to guess her correctly because she was her friend and had met her a few days before they started filming The Masked Singer.
The Masked Singer season 12 has already been renewed by Fox.