The Real Housewives of Miami is a reality TV series that follows the dramatic lives of a group of affluent women in Miami, showcasing their personal and professional endeavors. A prominent cast member of the show, Dr. Nicole Martin, announced that she will be "stepping back" from her full-time role on the upcoming seventh season.
In an interview with People magazine on September 13, she stated:
"They [RHOM's viewers] are so incredibly supportive and invested in my story, and a part of me feels very guilty for stepping back and not being able to share that fully with them. But look, as difficult of a decision as it was, I just felt like I wasn’t going to be the best version of myself for them, or for my kids or for my family."
Martin added that she took this decision as a result of her personal challenges, particularly related to postpartum anxiety. :
"So I had no other choice, really. I have to focus on my health. I hope they'll understand"
"Prioritizing my health and my family" — The Real Housewives of Miami star Dr. Nicole Martin shares an Instagram post
Dr. Nicole Martin's decided to step back from The Real Housewives of Miami season 7 due to her ongoing battle with severe postpartum anxiety. In a detailed Instagram post shared on September 13, 2024, Martin discussed her struggles following the premature birth of her daughter, Genevieve.
Born on March 26, 2024, Genevieve arrived five weeks early and spent nearly two weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Martin revealed that she has been experiencing intense anxiety since then. She described it as an "overwhelming sense of worry and fear" that has affected her daily life.
Martin mentioned that her decision to withdraw from The Real Housewives of Miami during this challenging period was to focus on her family. She stated:
"Given where I am right now, I have decided not to return to RHOM. Prioritizing my health and my family is something I need to do at this moment."
Dr Martin acknowledged that the demands of filming a full season of reality TV, including long hours and dramatic interactions, were not conducive to her current state of mental health. Martin emphasized that her focus needed to be on her well-being and the well-being of her family.
Postpartum anxiety and Its Impact
Postpartum anxiety is a condition affecting many women after childbirth, characterized by excessive worry and fear that can be debilitating. According to the Cleveland Clinic, symptoms may include increased heart rate, lack of appetite, nausea, and racing thoughts.
According to Martin's interview with People magazine, her anxiety was triggered by several factors including a difficult delivery and the stressful experience of her baby being in the NICU. Although she did not specify the exact cause of her anxiety, she acknowledged that this postpartum period has been significantly more challenging compared to her previous experience with her son, Grayson.
Martin sought treatment to manage her anxiety, including regular therapy sessions and adjusting her breastfeeding practices. She decided to stop breastfeeding earlier than planned to help stabilize her hormones and improve her overall mental health.
"I am very blessed to have an incredible support system. Anthony's great, I’ve got amazing friends and my mom is my rock — she helps me a ton with the kids," she said.
Despite the difficulties, Martin expressed gratitude for her strong support system, including her fiancé Anthony Lopez, friends, and her mother, who provided substantial assistance during this time.
Future involvement and public statement
Although Martin will not be participating as a full-time cast member in the new season, she will still make occasional appearances on The Real Housewives of Miami. She mentioned in her interview:
"It’s not goodbye forever, I’ll pop-up here and there, just not in a full-time capacity."
This will allow her to maintain her connection with the show while focusing on her recovery. Martin also expressed concern about disappointing her audience, acknowledging their support and understanding throughout her journey.
To stay updated on all the latest episodes and news from The Real Housewives of Miami, stream previous seasons on Peacock.