Love Never Lies: South Africa reunion premiered on December 8 on Netflix. The episode brought all the couples back together one last time to share updates on their relationships since filming the finale.
The episode revealed that Munaka and Gontse weren't together anymore after winning the 700k rand cash prize. Munaka reflected on her relationship with Gontse after the finale and shared that they got back together after the show.
However, despite having good chemistry, they were struggling to be on the same page and broke up three times over in a single month due to Gontse's alleged cheating.
"Yeah, we broke up, like, I think three times in that month... Broke up with him. Because, why am I gonna stay with a cheater?" Munaka said.
Love Never Lies: South Africa stars Munaka and Gontse have broken up
Munaka and Gontse revealed during the Love Never Lies: South Africa reunion episode that they were currently broken up.
In the episode, Munaka shared that the couple got back together after the show. She claimed that they had a conversation after the finale and Gontse told her "a lot of sweet nothings" about doing better and working on their relationship.
However, after being "really good for two weeks", their relationship started to stumble.
Gontse questioned his former Love Never Lies: South Africa partner, asking if she considered his feelings to be mere "sweet nothings."
Munaka agreed, explaining that he had made many promises but, by breaking them, he had essentially been lying to her.
She continued that their last two weeks were "an epic failure". Munaka reflected on her mistake and shared that going forward she doesn't want to put herself through that ever again and fight for a man who didn't want to be with her.
Gontse chimed in to explain how the Love Never Lies: South Africa couple had different views and they started to fight because of it.
"We had, like, different views of how a relationship should be, you know what I'm saying? Like, she had in her head… She had these strict, like… 'Yo, a boyfriend shouldn't do this, a boyfriend shouldn't do this, a, b, and c.' Eventually, we just started fighting about things every single day," he said.
Munaka added that her former partner prioritized his friends over her. She recalled an incident when she came back from a cruise, instead of spending time with his girlfriend, who was away from him for a week, he hung out with his friends in the club.
She even found out from one of her friends that she saw Gontse looking "cozy" with another girl.
"Why did my cousin call me to say, "I saw your man in the club with a girl that's not you and they looked cozy"? And it was that day. Tell me you hate me without telling me you hate me," she said.
The Love Never Lies: South Africa cast member further revealed that they had a "very bad fight that day." Gontse reached out to her afterward, but the couple ended up breaking up for the first time at that moment. They went on to break up two more times after that.
Munaka was the one to break up as she implied that she was tired of Gontse's antics and blamed herself for trusting a "cheater".
While she shared that she forgave her former partner for his antics on the show, he did a lot of things later that alluded to cheating.
"I'm just proud of myself that after being stupid for so long that I decided to wake up… …and I'm finally loving myself and learning to be with people that actually want to be with me," she added.
Love Never Lies: South Africa episodes are available on Netflix.