Netflix recently aired the Perfect Match finale episode on Friday, June 21, 2024. Host Nick Lachey welcomed all the contestants from season 2. But one contestant was not present, and it was Justin Assad. Making everyone wonder why Justin was not in the finale episode.
While host Nick didn’t go into any details during the finale, he said that Justin was absent and everyone missed him. However, It was revealed that Justin intentionally walked out after his connection with Elys didn't work out.
Before the finale episode was released, Justin shared a video on TikTok explaining why he was absent. He stated:
"I really did feel like I made a connection with Elys and she was my perfect match. I wasn’t going falsify any emotions or attraction towards someone [else] that I wasn’t genuinely interested in, just so I could drag them along for the sake of screen time."
He further added:
“I was really there trying to find my perfect match, so I made the conscious decision to leave."
Perfect Match finale: Reason behind Justin Assad’s absence
While all the contestants who left the villa came back for the finale episode, Justin Assad was not there. In the finale episode, the host Nick Lachey told everyone that:
"Justin is not here with us tonight, and I know I speak for everyone when I say that he is definitely missed.
Just before Netflix aired the finale episode, Justin Assad shared a four-minute video on the popular platform TikTok. In the video, he explained why he wasn’t at the finale.
According to Justin, he doesn’t regret anything, even though he and Elys didn’t work out. He also said that he wanted privacy in his dating life, so he was not there. While commenting on his experience on the show, he revealed to had a good time and made some friends for life. In the video, Justin further shared:
"Call me crazy but I was there trying to find my perfect match. I had the most wonderful time on Perfect Match and met some best friends that’ll have for the rest of my life, and don’t regret a single thing."
What happened between Justin and Elys on the show?
Justin Assad from Surviving Paradise found a great connection and match with Too Hot To Handle winner Elys Hutchinson. During Perfect Match season 2, Elys pursued him. After Justin learned that she was romantically interested, he was matched with Elys. After spending time together, Elys shared with Justin that she enjoyed his company.
While they were paired up, Justin used to make breakfast for Elys on the show, and they grew closer. However, according to Justin, he and Elys ran into issues because of another couple. He also felt that some scenes were not shown on the show.
During the show, Justin even considered leaving the villa and discussed it with Elys. In response, Elys was angry about how he would think of such a thing, which meant abandoning his connection with her. So he didn’t leave.
Later on, when Elys was matched with Bryton Constantin, Justin and Holly Scarfone reconciled and matched, which was not allegedly shown on the show. However, it didn’t work out, and ultimately Justin left the show.
Viewers can stream Perfect Match season 2 on Netflix.