Love is Blind: Habibi, another one of the spinoffs of the hit Netflix reality TV series franchise was released on October 10, 2024. In this show, contestants sign up for a social experiment to find love by building an emotional connection during their time in the pods. Once the couples are sure about their partner, they get engaged and meet face-to-face for the first time.
This show introduced viewers to new faces in a different location, the United Arab Emirates. One of the cast members in this premiere season was Asma, a 33-year-old regional marketing manager and entrepreneur. Asma found a potential partner in the pods, Khatab. She connected with Khatab on an emotional level. However, when the wedding day arrived, Asma said no at the altar.
In episode 9, Asma shared that she wanted her parent's blessing before marrying which is why she said no. She clarified this to Khatab and explained that her "no" was to them marrying without her parent's approval. Asma argued that she wanted her parents to take their time and get to know Khatab themselves and then approve him as their son-in-law.
Love is Blind: Habibi season 1 episode 9 titled Tying The Knot... Or Not? was released exclusively on Netflix. The episode synopsis reads as the following:
"The moment of truth is here. As vows are declared for the whole world to hear, will the couples leave heartbroken or with a soulmate by their side?"
Love is Blind: Habibi star Asma reveals the importance of her parents' blessings
During her confessional interview, Asma opened up about the main reason for saying no at the wedding altar. She said walking down the aisle and agreeing to marry someone without her parents being present was a difficult decision for her. The Love is Blind: Habibi contestant understood her parents' perspective of taking "their time to get to know Khatab" and then approving their marriage. Asma told the cameras:
"When I didn't find my parents I felt like it was so hard and we need to get my parent's blessing. I had the hope that I will get my parents' blessing. They're right with however they think and I want to give them the space to take their time to get to know Khatab and to see him."
Later in the episode, Asma and Khatab had a discussion together. She told Khatab that her parents' blessing was important to her, the Love is Blind: Habibi cast member continued:
"Truth is, if we had time to move forward like we're used to in our traditions, and my no was not a no to you. My no was a no for our marriage today. That's all. I had no other option."
Khatab agreed and reassured Asma that their "next step" was to follow their cultural traditions and meet Asma's dad to ask for his blessings. Asma explained that this gesture of Khatab going to Canada to meet her dad would impress her father, she explained:
"Dad will feel you're serious about this and that you came all the way and you actually want this, and he'll love you."
Fans can follow Asma and Khatab on their official Instagram accounts. Love is Blind: Habibi episodes 1 to 9 are available exclusively on Netflix.