The Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) is a reality TV series that started in 2006. It showcases the lives of wealthy women in Orange County, California. The show is known for its mix of luxury, mystery, and everyday drama, attracting a large fanbase. One notable cast member is Gina Kirschenheiter, who's still in season 18. Her boyfriend, Travis Mullen, filed a restraining order against his ex-wife, Meghan Mullen, in August 2018.
Travis filed this lawsuit alleging that Meghan frequently harassed and intimidated him. According to his petition, filed in March 2017, Meghan's behavior had deteriorated to the point that Travis was concerned for his own and their children's safety.
The agreement reached by The Real Housewives of Orange County star Travis Mullen and ex-wife Meghan Mullen
According to UniCourt court documents dated March 2017 to April 2024, Travis Mullen and his ex-wife Meghan Mullen have reached an arrangement that terminated the temporary restraining order Travis was initially given. One key condition of their agreement states that neither party shall be under the influence of non-prescription medications or illegal narcotics.
At the same time, they have to maintain physical custody of their minor children. Additionally, Meghan has agreed to submit to a drug test within six hours of Travis making such a request. Travis has agreed to cover the costs of the drug screens. This stipulation is valid for one year and aims to ensure the safety and well-being of their children while under parental supervision.
If Meghan fails any drug test, her physical custody of the minor children would be immediately suspended, and she would have to reimburse Travis for the cost of the screening.
Another major focus of their agreement revolves around communication. Both parties have agreed that their communication would strictly concern their children. All communication must be conducted through a court-approved app. They have also agreed not to make any disparaging remarks about the other party or allow third parties to do so.
Respect and non-threatening behavior are mandated while in the presence of their children, aiming to foster a healthy environment for their kids. Meghan has also been prohibited from mentioning or referencing Travis on any social media platforms or encouraging third parties to engage in such conduct.
Why Travis filed for a restraining order
Travis Mullen requested the restraining order, citing continuing harassment from Meghan. He accused her of threatening him to injure him if he didn't comply with her requests.
Travis reportedly claimed Meghan came up to his house, forcing him to contact the cops, and published multiple social media articles against him and Gina Kirschenheiter. Travis wrote in his petition that the restraining order was essential for his own safety and that of his children.
He was concerned that without the restraining order, Meghan would continue to harass and harm him and his children. Meghan, however, denied all allegations, claiming her presence in Travis' neighborhood was due to their children attending school nearby.
Legal proceedings
The temporary restraining order was granted in August 2023 despite Meghan's opposition. However, it only covered Travis and did not include Gina of The Real Housewives of Orange County. This temporary order was later dismissed after both parties reached a new agreement signed by a judge.
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