Love is Blind: Sweden season 2 released its first four episodes on March 13. These four episodes saw the participants getting to know each other in the pods, falling in love, getting engaged, and revealing their faces to each other.
Episode 3 was titled I'm Not Wearing Panties, and saw several couples getting engaged and doing face reveals to each other. Ola and Milly also got engaged, after the former went down on one knee and proposed to her in the pods, before even seeing her. He said:
"Now I'm going to get down on one knee. And I'm going to ask you, will you marry me?"
Milly said yes and told him how happy she was. This came after she had a heartbreak over Oscar, who she had decided to pursue, but he chose to go with Alicia.
Moments leading up to Ola's proposal on Love is Blind: Sweden season 2 episode 3
When Ola went to date Milly in the pods after Oscar broke up with her, he knew she would be down because Oscar told him he broke up with her in the men's lounge. While Milly stated that it was awkward to talk to Ola about it, he told her that rejections affect everybody so they were okay to talk about.
He told her that she was important to him and that it was nice that no other people were now involved with her. Milly teared up as she told him that he had this quality that made her feel secure when she talked to him.
After leaving the pods, Milly told the Love is Blind: Sweden cameras that she needed to get to know Ola more because she didn't want him to be a rebound because she got rejected by Oscar.
When Milly and Ola got into the pods once again, Milly gifted Ola a coin. She said that it had two crowns which resembled them. She giggled as she said it was cheesy of her to gift him that. She further stated:
"I was very emotional this morning, because I just feel that it was you all along."
Ola stated that he didn't know how they happened either and believed that the universe took little detours to lead one to their final destination. He referred to Milly's detour with Oscar when he said that.
Milly acknowledged the fact that he was always there and that he was "lovely" to be waiting for her.
Ola added that they were both waiting for each other and she was happy that they were connecting on Love is Blind: Sweden. He continued to say that he was loving every second of it and wanted more of it. He said:
"The strongest feeling for me is the sensation I get in my body when I'm with you."
He added that they had chosen to be with each other all the way and that was what felt nice. This was where Ola asked Milly to stand up because he was going to propose to her from behind the wall. He narrated his actions for her to imagine saying he was going on one knee and proposing to her.
After she said "of course" she would marry him, Ola stated that his heart was pounding out of his chest. He told the Love is Blind: Sweden cameras that it felt very natural because Milly was the one for him.
New episodes of Love is Blind: Sweden season 2 come out on March 20, only on Netflix.