Love is Blind season 2 reunion aired on March 04, 2022. In this episode, one of the cast members, Shake Chatterjee, compared marriage to making a large purchase, and expressed that the looks of his partner were important to him.
This prompted host Nick Lachey to note what he was looking for sounded like a "conventional dating world."
"What you were looking for sounds to me like the conventional dating world. What were you missing in the conventional dating world that you felt like you could find here?" the host asked.
Shake responded that he wanted the emotional connection that the show was marketing. However, he believed that there were certain criteria that he felt extended beyond the emotional bond.
He said that love wasn't built for him, but rather it was "partially blind". The season 2 star further added that he wanted to be on "Love is Blurry." To this, co-host Vanessa Lachey responded:
"Great. But then that's why I said you're on the wrong dating show," Vanessa said.
"You need to open your heart to a bigger picture"— Love is Blind host Vanessa Lachey confronts Shake on his beliefs
Throughout the Love is Blind season 2 reunion episode, Shake Chatterjee remained cemented on his beliefs. This prompted host Nick Lachey to question why Shake was participating in Love is Blind, a show that focused primarily on personality and emotional connection rather than physical appearance.
Shake likened marriage to making a significant purchase, explaining that before committing to such a major decision, he felt it was essential to "read the fine print."
“I want to make sure this thing works. I wanted more than anything for this to work. For me, that meant I knew at least a certain physical body part to get me in the ball park. … If I were to marry somebody and there was a big weight discrepancy, it would be really hard to get past that. How do I get past that?” Shake continued.
Host Vanessa told the Love is Blind contestant that he was on the wrong show. She noted that other shows focused on their looks. Regardless, she explained to him:
"You need to open your heart to a bigger picture. Because at the end of the day, what if she's mangled in an accident? What if she gains weight? What if she loses her hair, legs, and her arms? Are you not gonna love her anymore?" she added.
The host further said that Shake physically "berated" all of the women while he was in the pods. Vanessa claimed that the male cast member later went through the process with Deepti Vempati, just so he could have someone with whom he could be physically intimate, without falling in love.
Vanessa added that during the show she felt that the Love is Blind contestant was starting to change. She believed that Shake was maybe "looking inward" trying to see his faults and realizing what he needed. However, after seeing his actions, she felt that she was wrong.
During the Love is Blind season 2 reunion episode, Shake blamed the show’s editing for portraying him as the villain. However, his fellow cast mates felt the opposite. Natalie Lee chimed in, stating that the episodes displayed a "very watered-down version" of the things he said behind Deepti's back.
Deepti was silent through most of the reunion episode. However, at the end of the episode, she expressed herself noting the things she felt were wrong with her former partner, Shake.
“You lack the self-awareness to even know that you’re doing something wrong. It’s flabbergasting to me. The fact that I ever respected you as a person, I’m mind-blown. There’s a way to say, ‘Oh, I’m not physically into her.’ … You just don’t know how to speak, especially to women,” she said.
All episodes of Love is Blind are available on Netflix.