Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec shared in an April 10, 2018, LinkedIn post that one of his passions is encouraging young people to pursue entrepreneurship. While he noted that it can be a long and difficult path, he believes it is worth it and very rewarding.
In the same post, he offered four pieces of advice that he believed would help young aspiring entrepreneurs—wisdom he would also have shared with his younger self. One piece of advice was to focus on gaining experience early in their lives.
He emphasized that experience is a person's "most valuable asset" and encouraged young people to seek jobs or internships that provide the necessary skills for their careers. He further explained that investing in oneself is the "best investment."
"Experience is your most valuable asset, so find a job that gives you the experience you need. Whether that’s a summer internship or teaching yourself a new program, put in the time. Remember — you are your best investment," he wrote.
Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec's 4 pieces of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs
1. Experience is infinitely more valuable than money
Shark Tank star Robert Herjavec believes that experience is more valuable than money for students just starting their careers. He explained that, in the long run, experience plays a crucial role in helping them identify their paths and achieve success.
Robert further highlighted the challenges of the job market, noting that many graduate students don't find it easy to secure jobs because they lack the essential experience.
"The job market is tough — unless your future employer is willing to train you from the ground up (always assume they’re not!), you’ll have to rely on having relevant experience to get the job," he continued
2. Don’t make excuses because nobody cares
Robert pointed out that everyone has their own set of problems to deal with in life. According to him, the "biggest mistake" an individual can make is to offer excuses for why they can't do something. He suggested focusing on what is needed to get the job done and simply working on it.
"You might get a free pass once in a while but to rely on that would be a big mistake. Focus on what you need to get the job done — and then go do it," he wrote.
3. Take risks when you’re able to
The Shark Tank investor noted that it can be very difficult to take risks later in life when a person has a family to care for.
Therefore, he advised aspiring entrepreneurs to take risks as often as possible when they are young since the younger generation likely has fewer responsibilities and the flexibility to adapt to their circumstances.
"I’m also a believer in not burning the ships – that means to test before you go all in 100% to make sure you have the buy in of a customer base," he added.
4. Your degree is nice to have — get one but don’t go into massive debt
Robert believes that unless a person needs a specific degree for their career, their ability, experience, and drive are "far more important." The Shark Tank star noted that these days, having a degree is just a basic requirement rather than a standout achievement.
However, he is more concerned about students who avoid gaining real-world job experience by continuing their education instead of applying their already earned degrees in the workforce. Robert added that while education is important, he feels there is no reason to incur massive debt to secure the “perfect” degree or multiple degrees in the same field.
"When you’re in the workforce, it’s your experience that will carry you forward — so I encourage the youth of today to try their hand in their chosen field. Fail. Learn. Succeed. Then decide if you want to pursue further education," the Shark Tank star concluded.
Shark Tank season 16 episodes air every Friday on ABC.