The Real Housewives Of New York City aired a new episode of season 15 on January 15, 2025. In the episode, Brynn and Ubah got into yet another war of words this season as Ubah interrupted Erin and Brynn's plan to prank Erin's husband, Abe. The conflict further escalated when Ubah asked Erin to respect her partner's boundaries.
Brynn later confronted Ubah in the bathtub about the situation as she wanted to defend her friend, Erin. Brynn and Ubah had altercations before this incident this season, and this one escalated into the same. Erin eventually walked out as Brynn and Ubah continued their argument.
Later, Brynn asked Erin about why she left the premises. Erin said she walked away to calm things down. Brynn thought she defended Erin but felt disappointed that Erin left when Ubah criticized her. Erin said she had Brynn's back when it mattered, but things got intense. Erin felt bad and thought Ubah should say sorry.
Brynn told Erin in The Real Housewives Of New York City:
“You ran away quite quickly. Thanks for helping me."
Ubah ruined Erin and Brynn's prank on Abe on The Real Housewives Of New York City
Erin and Brynn hatched a plan to prank Erin's husband, Abe, by pretending to snuggle together in the bath. However, Ubah quickly ruined the joke by shouting that Abe was on speakerphone. Brynn was upset that the prank was ruined and exchanged heated words with Ubah.
The situation escalated, with Ubah walking away and telling the group off.
In a confessional on The Real Housewives Of New York City, Abe revealed that he wouldn't be interested in getting physical with Erin and Brynn, citing his rules for swinging. He suggested that involving someone you know can lead to awkwardness.
“It violates my rules of swinging. The rules of swinging, you can't know the other couple or the other person they're hooking up with 'cause then it gets awkward after,” stated Abe.
Erin thought the prank was harmless and funny, but Ubah reacted strongly, telling the group to have some respect. Brynn wondered why Ubah was so upset, while Sai tried to lighten the mood by telling everyone to loosen up and have fun.
The group eventually agreed that the situation was weird, with Jenna pointing out that Abe should be the one with concerns.
Brynn also questioned whether Erin would confront Ubah about her behavior on The Real Housewives Of New York City. Ubah rejoined the group for a synchronized swimming lesson with Jenna Lyons.
In the pool, Ubah asked Erin if she was okay, but Erin expressed her dislike for Ubah's earlier behavior. This resulted in Ubah becoming defensive and angry as she lashed out at Erin.
Erin tried to calm the situation, but Ubah continued to rant, criticizing Erin in front of the others. Erin eventually exited the pool, visibly upset. In a confessional, Erin expressed her frustration, feeling that Ubah was allowed to insult her while she wasn't allowed to express her own feelings.
“I’m not allowed to express what I feel with her, but yet she’s allowed to call me a gaslighter, and call me this, that, and the other. It’s not okay,” said Erin in a confessional.
As the ladies of The Real Housewives Of New York City moved to the hot tub, Ubah continued to rant before joining them. Brynn made a comment about Ubah's behavior. This prompted Erin to address Ubah, with Erin explaining that she was upset because Ubah assumed she was doing something wrong to her husband.
Ubah and Brynn then got into a heated argument. Ubah told Brynn to take a nap, and Brynn responded with a sarcastic comment. Ubah laughed and said Brynn was fake, claiming that Brynn pretended to be someone she wasn't.
Brynn denied this and made a joke about Ubah's modeling career. Ubah responded by telling Brynn to Google her name.
The Real Housewives Of New York City airs on Bravo Tuesdays at 9/8c.