Jersey Shore: Family Vacation aired its latest episode on Thursday, October 24, 2024. It featured the aftermath of Snooki and Angelina's argument regarding the former's best friend Joey Camasta that unfolded during Pauly D's Celebrity Flag Football Challenge in Las Vegas.
Snooki disapproved of Agelina's flirtatious behavior with The Bachelorette star Jason Tatrick in the previous episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. Snooki informed her that Joey was friends with Jason's ex-partner and that she did not speak highly of him. However, Angelina refused to listen to Snooki and called Joey a "rat," threatening to sue him.
In the latest segment, Angelina attempted to reconcile with Snooki but was triggered when she heard her in the confession room, speaking ill about her. When she confronted the cast member, Snooki refused to consider her a friend and said:
"No offense, you are a wild person."
The dispute between Snooki and Angelina continued without reaching a resolution. Snooki refused to reason with Angelina, deeming her to be untrustworthy. She was adamant about defending Joey, unwilling to tolerate any harsh remark directed toward him.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star Snooki calls Angelina "evil"
After Pauly D's game concluded, Angelina hugged Snooki goodnight, asking her not to be "mad" at her. However, Snooki was not too keen on talking to her because she was "annoyed" that their previous conversation did not resolve. The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star believed that Angelina would come for her later.
During a confessional, Snooki criticized Angelina's behavior, calling her "shady" and "not a great friend." Angelina overheard Snooki and decided to confront her, however, the latter was displeased by Angelina's "aggressive" entry into her room. Meanwhile, Deena seemed exhausted and wanted them to take their argument outside the bedroom.
While Angelina pleaded with Snooki to have a conversation, Snooki refused to oblige, demanding the cast member to leave her room. On her way out, Angelina hit a camera, to which Snooki said, "God punished you. You're going to hell." While speaking to the cameras, Angelina confessed she was upset that Snooki would not let her explain her side of the story.
Later that night, Angelina revisited Snooki, vying for a fruitful conversation. However, she was driven to the edge when Snooki doubted her friendship, calling her untrustworthy.
"That's a you problem, not a me problem," Angelina said.
The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star claimed that Joey deceived Snooki into believing lies. Snooki confessed she was "really pissed off" because Angelina was "talking sh*t" about her best friend and wanted to drag the argument since it was not "going her way."
Snooki mentioned that although Angelina was "terrifying to be friends with," she could not make her quit the show again. Meanwhile, Angelina dismissed her allegation, stating Snooki voluntarily left the show after a feud with her in 2019. When she continued to demean Joey, Snooki said:
"I don't wanna be your friend. You're evil. You are evil."
However, Angelina insisted she did not care about Snooki's opinion of her because she knew she was "a better friend than Joey."
Soon, the Jersey Shore: Family Vacation cast members got tired and refused to drag the conversation any further. Their dispute failed to be resolved since they still carried animosity after their argument. Later, Snooki confided in Deena about her feelings, saying she did not ever want to befriend Angelina because she was not trustworthy.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation season 7 airs every Thursday at 8 pm ET on MTV.