Phoebe Waller-Bridge's British comedy-drama series, Fleabag, started airing on BBC Three in 2016 before moving to Amazon Prime Video. The two-season show made a splash when it was released, with fans loving its real, funny, and sometimes dark take on a young woman figuring things out in London.
Waller-Bridge's storytelling and performance as the main character resonated with audiences. The show received a lot of critical praise and won awards, including six Primetime Emmys. Phoebe Waller-Bridge's titular character became a fan-favorite aspect of the show. Fans loved her way of breaking the fourth wall and letting viewers connect with the main character.
Although the show only ran for two seasons, to date, fans love it and constantly rewatch their favorite parts, discussing how Fleabag changed TV and pop culture. From emotional confessional scenes to the "It's French" moment with her sister Clarie (Sian Clifford), certain scenes are forever etched in viewers' minds. This article will take a look at ten such scenes from the show.
Here are the 10 most memorable moments from Fleabag
1) The retreat scene
In episode 4 of season 1, the titular character has a real heart-to-heart with Hugh Dennis' character, a bank manager, while on a retreat. Although they didn't know each other, they shared their struggles and formed a bond.
The actors give great performances in this scene that show a different side of the characters. The fact that Waller-Bridge's character doesn't break the fourth wall only adds to the emotional impact, as she is in the moment.
2) The confessionary scene
One of the standout scenes is Fleabag's heart-to-heart with Andrew Scott's character, the Priest. She is in a confessional and opens up about her fears, feelings of isolation, and what she truly wants, leading to a surprising moment when the (Hot) Priest breaks the fourth wall and connects with the audience.
This scene highlights Phoebe Waller-Bridge's talent in writing and acting, as she beautifully portrays the inner turmoil everyone has faced. The bond between Fleabag and the Priest feels almost spiritual, making it a truly memorable moment in the show.
3) When the priest breaks the fourth wall
In a surprising and personal moment, the Priest looks directly at the camera, mirroring Fleabag's habit of talking to the audience. This move shows how well the two characters understand each other, with the Priest recognizing and relating to Fleabag's tendency to break the fourth wall.
The Priest acknowledging Fleabag's private chats with the viewer is what emphasizes their bond, strengthening it further.
4) Fleabag reveals she's invisible
In another memorable scene, while Fleabag is at dinner with her family, she points out that no one bothered to ask her a question for 45 minutes. The silence that follows is broken by the Priest who asks her a question. The scene drives home her sense of invisibility and isolation as she grapples with feeling unnoticed and unheard.
The Priest stepping in and giving her some attention shows how important their relationship is and how he understands her in a way that no one else can.
5) "It's French"
During a tense moment, her sister Claire says, "It's French," which emphasizes their close bond and loyalty to each other, even when things get heated. This shows their complex but loving dynamic as they deal with life's challenges with a mix of humor and empathy.
Claire opens up to her sister about her haircut, showcasing the deep trust and connection they share. This moment illustrates the unwavering support siblings offer each other through life's highs and lows. Waller-Bridge and Clifford's chemistry and understanding of their characters make this scene a standout in the series.
6) "It'll pass"
The last scene between the lead and the Priest, where they realize they can't be together, is touching and kind of sad. After Fleabag has confessed her love to him, the Priest says, "It'll pass," as she silently agrees with him.
It is a strong moment that sticks with the viewers and shows how love can be complicated, and sometimes they need to make tough decisions.
7) Kristin Scott Thomas' monologue on womanhood
In a memorable scene, Kristin Scott Thomas gives a moving speech about the differences between men's and women's experiences. She relates to it a lot because it talks about the struggles all women face in a deep and meaningful way.
This moment shows how the show isn't afraid to tackle tough social and gender issues, proving why it's such an important and influential series.
8) The Priest notices Fleabag's fourth wall breaks
In a key moment, the Priest shows that he's the only one who can pick up on Fleabag's habit of breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the audience. This shows the special connection and understanding between them, as he's the only one who can acknowledge and participate in her private chats with the viewers.
This scene strengthens the close bond between her and the Priest, making their relationship stand out as one of the most interesting and memorable in the series.
9) Titian's "Noli me Tangere"
When she and the Hot Priest are in his office, Fleabag tells him that she doesn't believe in God. Right after that, a painting by Titian, called Noli me Tangere falls off the wall. The painting shows Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection and telling her not to touch him.
This scene reflects her complicated relationship with the Priest, as it hints at their eventual emotional distance. The painting falling after her declaration adds to the show's exploration of religion.
10) Fleabag and the Priest's final goodbye
In the last episode, the lead character and the Priest say a sad goodbye, knowing they can't be together. He also tries to comfort her by saying, "It'll pass," reminding her that things change.
It's a touching moment between two characters who have been through a lot together. Their farewell is full of emotions and shows how well they know each other. This scene is a powerful end to their love story, and it will stick with viewers, making the Priest a standout character in the series.
Read more: Why is Fleabag season 3 not happening? Reasons explored
The entire series, starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Sian Clifford, and Andrew Scott, among others, is available for viewing on Amazon Prime Video.
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