Unsolved Mysteries is an American documentary series that has been covering cold cases since 1987. The series covers cases involving murders, disappearances, and mysteries, that have remained unresolved even after years of investigations. The documentary series previously covered paranormal activities as well.
The documentary series first premiered on NBC on January 20, 1987, and ended on April 27, 2010. The show allowed the audience to interact and provided a link where any viewer could share their information if they knew something about the case or were somehow connected to it.
Netflix revived Unsolved Mysteries back in July 2020. The episodes continued to bring rare cases of disappearances and murders that still did not have a conclusion. At the end of each episode, they urge the audience to come out, speak up, and contact if they have any information that could help solve the case.
Throughout these years, though the majority of cases remained mysteries, a good deal of them were solved. Terry Dun Meurere, the co-creator of Unsolved Mysteries, told USA Today in July 2020 that more than 260 cases documented in the original series have been solved.
Has any of the unsolved mysteries been solved?
Over 260 cases have been solved till now. This indicates that a lot of the families who had lost their loved ones due to ruthless crimes had finally found justice. Also, the true reasons behind all the disappearances were found.
Here we have listed down 26 cold cases that found light in the end.
What is Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries about?
Netflix revived the series on July 1, 2020, ten years after it ended in 2010. The series continues the legacy of bringing some of the most terrifying, mysterious, and cryptic real-life cases, most of which remain unsolved. It also tries to reinvestigate earlier cases that had been left unsolved.
In Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, each episode covers a particular case, and the story is narrated with actors reenacting the entire event blending with real-life footage related to the case.
Special interviews from testimonies are taken from family members of the victim, the cops, and others who were involved in the investigation. Additionally, the Netflix series, with its increased production budget, creates every episode in a cinematic style, providing a more authentic approach to the themes.
The is produced with the collaboration of 21 Laps Entertainment and Cosgrove/Meurer Productions. The founder of 21 Laps Entertainment, Shawn Levy, shared with Tudum,
“Unsolved Mysteries continues to resonate with viewers in ways we could never have imagined, with some episodes leading to solving cases that were once thought unsolvable.”
He further adds,
“It is a privilege to collaborate with Terry Dunn Meurer and her team on this iconic franchise, and we are so excited to share this next installment of compelling and fascinating mysteries with viewers around the world.”
Two years after the release of its third volume, Netflix finally released Volume 4 with its first five episodes on August 31, 2024. The original show, which premiered on NBC, featured a landline number on the screen that allowed viewers to provide intel on the case.
Similarly, in Volume 4 of Netflix's reboot, on its streaming platform, there is an episode guide below each episode. This allows viewers to share information that may help close the case.
Read more: Scariest episodes of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, ranked