Created by Joe Barton, Black Doves, is a spy thriller starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, and Sarah Lancashire. The show revolves around Helen (Keira), who is the wife of the Secretary of State for Defence but lives a double life as a spy for the Black Doves Organization.
The organization is a spies-for-hire company that provides all sorts of secrets to the highest bidder. The show is filled with morally gray characters that are cunning and ruthless. When Helen’s lover dies, she fears for her life and the organization sends an old friend to protect her.
The show is an interesting take at the lives of people who live double lives. The show was released on Netflix on December 5, 2024, and here is a list of some of its most dynamic characters.
Disclaimer: This article is based on the writer's opinion.
Helen, Sam, and other best characters from Black Doves
1) Reed
Reed is one of the most cold-hearted characters in a show where everyone comes across as selfish and mean. She does not see people as humans but only as expendable objects that are needed for fulfilling a task.
Played brilliantly by Sarah Lancashire, she never lets any emotion come in between her job and mission in Black Doves and has a laser-sharp focus on what she intends to do and how she wants to execute it.
2) Lenny
Lenny is one of those characters in Black Doves who is warm and genial on the surface but hides a menacing evil underneath. Played by Kathryn Hunter, she does a compelling job portraying the dubious character.
Lenny is a fun take on an east-end London gangster who can do anything to get to her goal. Even though she comes across as lovely, she never lets go of a dominating aura that can scare people off easily.
3) Williams
Played by Ella Lily Hyland, Williams is a freelance assassin who is employed by Lenny. Even though she is just another character in Black Doves who is cold-hearted, there are times when she displays innocence.
However, one cannot forget that she tried to ruthlessly kill Helen and does not shy away from killing anyone if that is what she is asked to do. Her character is enigmatic and full of layers.
4) Sam
Sam, one of the protagonists in Black Doves, is employed by the organization to protect his friend Helen after her identity gets compromised. Played convincingly by Ben Whishaw, his job is to also investigate the murder of Jason—Helen’s lover.
He is a cold and analytical character and does not show his emotions easily. Sam has to continuously make tough choices as he must also evade his former boss Lenny, who wants to kill his daughter. Sam’s daughter, therefore, is the only person he cares about.
5) Helen
Played brilliantly by Keira Knightley, Helen, is a morally gray character. She is the wife of the Secretary of State for Defence but lives a double life as an undercover spy with the Black Doves.
She learns that her lover, Jason, has been murdered by London’s underworld, and her identity as a spy is jeopardized. Even though her friend Sam, comes to protect her, she is a ruthless and headstrong woman in her own right.