The latest true-crime documentary series on Hulu, Betrayal: A Father's Secret, delves into the dark life of Jason Lytton, an unassuming husband and father, who harbored an immense secret. Based on the podcast of the same name, Betrayal: A Father's Secret is a sequel to Hulu's critically bashed but commercially successful Betrayal: The Perfect Husband, which focused on Spencer Herron.
Much like the prequel, this new true-crime documentary focuses on the life of a father and husband, Jason Lytton, who has a dark secret. After a seemingly perfect life for 10 whole years, Ashley Lytton, in a stroke of luck, stumbled upon her husband's iCloud account, which had a hidden folder. On checking this, Ashley, to her utter horror, found hundreds of inappropriate photos of children.
A horrified Ashley Lytton helped the police set up a meeting and had her husband arrested, especially after she found compromising videos of her eldest daughter from the previous marriage in the folder.
Though Jason Lytton was taken in, he did not have a satisfactory punishment and is already out of prison. Betrayal: A Father's Secret is streaming on Hulu from today, however, ahead of that, you may want to go through some chilling details from Jason Lytton's case.
5 key details about Jason Lytton's crimes
1) Jason Lytton was not only a devoted husband but also a seemingly devoted father
Apart from what was going on inside his sick head, Jason Lytton seemed to be the perfect man. When he met Ashley, she was a single mother of two. But Jason took in her family like his own. In fact, as per reports, Ashley's oldest daughter, Avaya, called him "dad."
One of the reasons Ashley decided to marry Jason was because he always seemed to consider Ashley's children his own.
2) Jason Lytton has lived this secret life for over 10 years
Unlike Spencer Herron from Betrayal: The Perfect Husband, Jason had been harboring the secret well and good for a long, long time. To put it in context, he was married to Ashley for 10 whole years and even had a daughter together.
From the outside, he was a family man with three children and a stable marriage.
3) Lytton often isolated himself from Ashley during the later parts of their marriage
Jason had allegedly isolated himself from his wife and family multiple times. He reportedly suffered from ADD and clinical depression and stayed away for long periods. However, it all seemed to be going well by the time COVID-19 came around.
In fact, Jason had called Ashley on September 29, 2021, asking her to set up a Venmo account for him, so that he could start a new business. But when Ashley Lytton tried to help her husband with this, the trouble started.
4) Ashley Lytton was so horrified that she helped the police apprehend her husband
When Ashley started to set up Jason's account, he reportedly started calling her multiple times asking her to set it up together. Sensing something suspicious, Ashley checked his iCloud, and to her horror, discovered hundreds of pictures of child s*xual abuse. She was allegedly hospitalized with a pain in her chest after she found this.
She refused to meet Jason alone after this and lured him with the help of the police, who arrested him and took him in immediately.
Read more: Where is Justin Lytton now? Whereabouts of Jason Lytton's brother
5) Jason Lytton may not have received adequate punishment for the crime
Jason was initially charged with 10 counts of s*xual exploitation of a minor. However, he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of sexual exploitation of a minor and two counts of voyeurism a year later. His sentence was merely 329 days apart from the time already served.
He was paroled in August 2023 and has been living in Herriman, Utah. Much to the horror of Ashley, he is still allowed supervised visits to his daughter, Olivia.
Hulu's Betrayal: A Father's Secret covers this case in extensive detail spread over multiple episodes. It is now streaming. Stay tuned for more updates.