Bridgerton is a highly acclaimed period drama set in early 19th-century Regency London, produced by Shondaland and streaming on Netflix. The show follows Daphne Bridgerton's search for a husband, offering a fresh take on high society life.
Adapted from Julia Quinn's novels, the series quickly became a cultural sensation. After debuting on Netflix on December 25, 2020, the series swiftly gained popularity. Season 2 premiered on March 25, 2022, and, on May 4, 2023, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, a spin-off, added further drama.
The third season, much anticipated by viewers, debuted in two parts, on May 16, 2024, and June 13, 2024.
Why Bridgerton is a must-watch series
#1 A refreshingly diverse cast
While the core storyline follows the genre’s expectations of being a period drama, Bridgerton deviates from it in some ways, one of which is its casting of actors of different ethnicities. These representations that are reflected and included bring a certain level of relatableness and also allow viewers to see themselves represented.
While expecting it to be similar to other period dramas, its casting is fairly believable for the historical period, which was populated to some extent with people of color who could have had wealth and influence.
#2 Steamy romance
In the central focus of the series, there's a romantic theme of the main characters’ relationship of Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings. The protagonists’ chemistry is evident, and their journey from enemies to lovers is incredibly intense with deep emotional growth.
It's not excessively sexual although there are moments of intimacy as Sam and Dean broach the subject of romance.
#3 Color-Blind Casting
One of the primary reasons viewers are drawn to Bridgerton is the utilization of color-blind casting.
This technique distinguishes the show by featuring performers of color in key roles while avoiding making race a central theme. Unlike typical period dramas, which frequently limit casting based on historical accuracy, Bridgerton offers a more inclusive perspective, with Black characters in positions of power and influence.
This casting decision provides for a more varied portrayal of characters and tales. Bridgerton's innovative and modern perspective on period drama emphasizes actors' ability rather than their race.
This innovative approach not only improves the storytelling but also appeals to viewers eager for more inclusive and diverse depictions of historical figures.
#4 A modern twist on the classic era
The series is inspired by Regency romances but has a contemporary feel to it. Pop songs are mostly used as background music and get adapted and played with a string quartet, making it more interesting.
They also have to mix classic elements with modern ones because they look unusual and interesting today.
#5 Escape into wealth
Bridgerton shows the untold side of high society with the unique production design that takes viewers back to the time of beautiful dances, elegant dresses and grand mansions. It's the right place for anyone who feels like spending some time in an Anglo-Saxon medieval-like fairy tale.
The work on the landscapes and particularly on the interior of the large houses is excellent, so fans get immersed in the Regency London.
Closing lines
Packed with an engaging storyline and stimulating characters, the series is a wonderful escape from reality. It's set to span eight seasons, each focusing on a different sibling.
Notably, the show has deviated from the books, with its third season spotlighting the romance between Colin and Penelope. This creative choice demonstrates the series' ability to offer engaging and dynamic storytelling while staying true to its literary origins.
Read More: Bridgerton season 3 part 2: Release date & time, cast, what to expect, and more