Smiling Friends, a black comedy series, from Adult Swim is created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack. The animated series is about a small company called Smiling Friends Inc., whose motto is keeping people happy and always smiling in this strange world. This show features Michael Cusack, Zach Hadel, David Bore, Mick Lauer, and Erica Lindbeck among others.
Smiling Friends has two seasons and a total of 12 episodes to date. The first season had 9 episodes, of which the first episode was aired on January 10, 2022. Two years later, the second season's first episode was aired on April 1, 2024.
If you enjoyed Smiling Friends, here are five other shows listed below, that you might like.
5 shows like Smiling Friends
1) The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991-1996)
If you liked Smiling Friends, from Adult Swim, you also might like the animated sitcom - The Ren & Stimpy Show. This show is about the adventures of Ren, a psychotic Chihuahua, and Stimpy, who is a half-witted Manx cat.
Originally, the sitcom was meant for kids and aired on Nickelodeon. However, because of violence, unsuitable humor, and other reasons, it was taken off the channel. Ren & Stimpy has five seasons and features John Kricfalusi and Billy West along with several other supporting cast members.
2) Jellystone! (2021-24)
The HBO Max comedy Jellystone! produced by Adam Middleton is based on Hanna-Barbera's characters. The show features Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Cindy Bear, and other Hanna-Barbera characters who live in the town of Jellystone. They live, work, play, and create problems for one another, making their daily lives chaotic and hilarious.
Jellystone! has 40 episodes to date, in two seasons, plus 7 shorts. The cast includes Jeff Bergman, Jim Conroy, Niccole Thurman, Grace Helbig, and C.H. Greenblatt among others.
3) Close Enough (2020-22)
Close Enough, created by J.G. Quintel is another adult animated sitcom. The story revolves around Josh and Emily, a married couple with a daughter named Candice. In this show, we see a humorous outlook on how the couple faces challenges in their daily lives, raising their daughter while living with their divorced friends.
This show has had three seasons to date and stars J.G. Quintel, Gabrielle Walsh, John Early, and Kimiko Glenn among others.
4) The Midnight Gospel (2020)
Fans of Smiling Friends can watch the adult animated series, The Midnight Gospel, created by Duncan Trussell and Pendleton Ward. The storyline revolves around a space caster named Clancy, who travels the trippy worlds inside his malfunctioning universe simulator.
During his journey, he explores various unanswerable and existential questions about life, death, and everything in between.
This show has had just one season to date, which was released in 2020. The Midnight Gospel features Duncan Trussel, Pendleton Ward, Damien Echols, and Trudy Goodman among others.
5) Moonbeam City (2015)
Moonbeam City is an adult animated sitcom, created by Scott Gardiner. The plot revolves around Dazzle Novak, who is an unskilled detective and struggles to keep up in Moonbeam City. Later, he decides to team up with Chrysalis Tate, to catch criminals.
This show has only one season to date. The first episode of Moonbeam City aired on September 16, 2015, on Comedy Central.
Moonbeam City stars Rob Lowe, Will Forte, Kate Mara, and Elizabeth Banks among other supporting cast.
Which one of the above shows would you prefer to watch? Let us know in the comments below.