The Agency is an American crime thriller series, produced by George Clooney and Grant Heslov. John Butterworth & John-Henry Butterworth serve as creators of the series, as a collaborative production between Paramount Plus and Showtime. The Agency is based on the prominent French thriller series named The Bureau or Le Bureau des Légendes created by Éric Rochant.
The spy thriller series revolves around the story of an undercover CIA agent Martian, who is transferred to Africa to live in disguise for six years. While living a secretive life, he falls in love with an anthropology professor named Dr. Samia Fatima Zahir. However, Martian is unexpectedly called to report back to his office in London and has to leave his entire life behind.
Martian's life takes an unanticipated turn when he crosses paths with Dr. Samia after returning to London. The couple soon finds themselves intertwined in the brutal politics of the criminal underworld, which can threaten their life. The Agency was released with a set of 10 episodes, on November 29, 2024. The series was renewed for a second season in December 2024.
Here, we have suggested five series which have themes similar that of The Agency that viewers can watch while waiting for Season 2.
5 crime-thriller shows to watch if you liked The Agency
1) The Night Agent
Created by Shawn Ryan, The Night Agent follows an FBI official named Peter Sutherland, who works as the Night Action operator at the White House. While maintaining the emergency line, he responds to a strange call, which drags him into a web of political conspiracies.
Similar to The Agency, in this series, Peter finds himself getting into the national intelligence and the politics underlying it.
2) The Recruit
The Recruit revolves around a young lawyer named Owen Hendricks, who is newly hired to work for the CIA. However, his new position runs his entire life upside down, after he meets with a former CIA asset, who was convicted in prison. Owen soon feels entangled in a complex web of international politics, which could threaten his life. The Recruit, like The Agency, deals with the adventures of an espionage, who must protect himself from the hands of powerful crime lords.
3) Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole follows a private espionage agent named John Weir, who is known for his deceptive nature, framing people and ruining their lives. However, on his last mission, things turn against him, when he is framed for murder, without committing it.
John soon finds himself running not just from law enforcement authorities, but also trying to find out the true culprit before it's too late. Similar to The Agency, the protagonist of the series finds himself entangled in a deadly controversy. He is on a constant chase to find the true culprit, while also running away from getting falsely accused.
4) The Day of the Jackal
Based on Frederick Forsyth's 1971 novel of the same name, The Day of the Jackal is about an infamous British assassin, who is only known as "The Jackal." He is known for ruthlessly killing people for money and soon comes under the radar of British intelligence.
Like the role of Martian in The Agency, in this series special Agent Bianca Pullman embarks on a mission to catch the Jackal, who is living a completely anonymous life undercover.
5) A Spy Among Friends
A Spy Among Friends is a British spy thriller series, which is based on Ben Macintyre's 2014 novel of the same name. The story follows a British Secret Intelligence Service agent named Nicholas Elliot, whose life takes a disastrous turn when he finds out that his close friend is working as a double spy.
Kim Philly, who has been Nicholas's colleague for a long time, is part of the Soviet Union. Nicholas is tasked to interview him, and he slowly starts to reveal a thrilling story. A Spy Among Friends follows similar themes of espionage, following the missions of the British Intelligence.
Check our other articles for more details on the release of The Agency season 2.