The Helicopter Heist is a Swedish action thriller miniseries based on the true story of the 2009 Västberga helicopter robbery in Stockholm. The series follows Rami, a reformed criminal, who is lured back into the world of crime by his childhood friend Michel, a mastermind thief. Michel proposes an elaborate heist involving a stolen helicopter, a massive security firm, and a nearby police station, promising a $5 million payout.
Reluctant at first due to his family, Rami eventually joins the crew, and together they execute a risky, high-stakes plan that will change their lives forever. The series explores the tension, betrayal, and explosive action surrounding the heist.
The cast includes Mahmut Suvakci as Rami, Ardalan Esmaili as Michel, Dejan Milacic as Zoran, Wim Elfwencrona as Nicke, Erik Svedberg-Zelman as Axel, Johanna Hedberg as Rami’s wife Karin, and Iskra Kostić as Leonie, a police officer.
Enjoyed The Helicopter Heist? Watch these today
1) The Night Manager
In The Night Manager, former soldier Jonathan Pine (Tom Hiddleston) is recruited by intelligence agents to infiltrate the inner circle of arms dealer Richard Roper (Hugh Laurie). The series is a mix of espionage, crime, and suspense, with high-stakes intrigue and mind games.
The tension in The Night Manager is palpable. Much like in The Helicopter Heist, where trust is fleeting, and the lines between allies and enemies blur. The clever plot twists and morally complex characters will keep you hooked, making this a perfect option for fans who enjoy gripping thrillers.
2) Squid Game
Squid Game took the world by storm with its unique and suspenseful take on survival games. Set in a deadly competition where 456 participants vie for a massive cash prize, the show mixes childhood games with life-or-death stakes.
Like The Helicopter Heist, Squid Game has a central focus on money and the desperate lengths people are willing to go to achieve it. With its chilling plot, complex characters, and shocking twists, Squid Game is perfect for fans who crave intense, psychological tension. Fortunately, season two is coming in a few weeks with new cast members joining in the thrill.
3) Money Heist
The Spanish sensation Money Heist revolves around a group of robbers led by the enigmatic Professor. With a mastermind orchestrating everything from behind the scenes, the crew must navigate tricky obstacles and tensions that threaten to unravel their meticulously planned heist.
Similar to The Helicopter Heist, Money Heist features complicated character arcs, thrilling action, and moments that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Viewers who love intricate heists and unexpected twists will find this gripping series irresistible. Its popularity is largely due to its unpredictable plot and powerful character dynamics that it even has a second and third season and a Korean adaptation.
4) You
You is a psychological thriller that follows Joe Goldberg, a charming bookstore manager who becomes dangerously obsessed with the women he dates. The series delves into his dark psyche, blurring the line between love and obsession.
Although You is less about physical heists and more focused on the psychological manipulation behind Joe’s actions, it maintains a gripping, tension-filled atmosphere. Viewers who appreciate The Helicopter Heist’s suspenseful moments will find You equally chilling, thanks to its intricate cat-and-mouse dynamics. Joe’s pursuit of love becomes a dangerous game where the risks are always high.
5) Lupin
Lupin follows Assane Diop, a skilled thief who seeks revenge for his father's wrongful imprisonment. With his keen intellect and ability to manipulate situations, Assane becomes a modern-day master of disguise, executing daring heists with elegance and wit.
Lupin centers on a charismatic protagonist who is both brilliant and deeply complex. The show’s clever heists, combined with Assane’s emotional journey, make for a thrilling experience. Viewers who loved the planning and execution of the heist in The Helicopter Heist will find Lupin just as entertaining.
Whether it's the intense planning of a crime, psychological manipulation, or high-stakes drama, these shows keep the tension tight, much like the gripping moments in The Helicopter Heist. Viewers will appreciate the smart writing, engaging characters, and unexpected twists in these series, which make them just as entertaining and unpredictable as the Swedish thriller.