Agatha All Along is the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most recent show, and has added many characters to the upcoming story for the MCU. Most significantly, it has introduced a reincarnation of Billy Maximoff as Wiccan, the son of the Scarlet Witch.
Fans of the Marvel Comics know that, aside from Wiccan, a key character in the storyline is the superhero known as Hulkling. Hulkling and Wiccan are not a part of the same family, so they are not related to each other. However, the characters are married to one another in the Marvel Comics.
Despite many fan theories regarding the character, Hulking had not officially been introduced into the MCU yet. This leaves much room for the character's story to develop and for him to meet Wiccan.
Who are the characters Hulkling and Wiccan in Marvel Comics?
Hulkling, also known as Theodore "Teddy" Altman is a Marvel Comics superhero. The character is a part of the Young Avengers, which is a team of teen superheroes who come together in the Marvel Universe.
Hulkling has a few similaritirs to the original Hulk, with superhuman strength. However, the character also has the ability to shapeshift and heal wounds at faster speeds. The character is of Kree and Skrull parentage originally, since he is the son of popular superhero Captain Marvel in the original storyline.
On the other hand, Wiccan is an alias for William "Billy" Kaplan, who is a reincarnation of Billy Maximoff in the comics. The character is also a member of the Young Avengers and the New Avengers, just like Hulkling.
Wiccan's powers resemble those of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, since she is his mother. He has powerful magical abilities including chaos magic, reality warping, telepathy, elemental manipulation, and the power of flight.
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Are Hulkling and Wiccan related to each other? Billy's fate after Agatha All Along
Hulkling and Wiccan are not related to each other in a familial way. Rather, as per the Marvel Comics, they are married to each other. They are one of the most prominent gay couples in the comics, and often go on missions together. The two are even known to travel galxies together to fight evil forces.
In Agatha All Along, Wiccan (aka Billy) is shown to have a boyfriend named Eddie. Due to the name's similarity to Teddy, which is also the Hulkling's nickname, many fans were speculating that Agatha All Along was introducing another Young Avenger.
However, showrunner Jac Schaeffer dismissed the notion. She elaborated that the name Eddie was just a tribute to someone very close to the writing team, and not a hint of the character's true identity.
This means that Wiccan shall soon meet Hulkling while the Young Avengers are being formed in future films or television shows. It is also possible that Hulkling might end up being the son of Bruce Banner who was introduced at the end of She-Hulk. However, none of these theories have been officially confirmed yet.
Also read: Why fans shouldn't raise their hopes for Agatha All Along season 2? Explained
Audiences can watch all episodes of Agatha All Along which is streaming now on Disney+.