Billionaire Island is a comedy-drama series that premiered on Netflix on Thursday, September 12, 2024. The show is co-created by Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin, who also created Netflix's first original series, Lilyhammer, in 2012. It is produced by Gudny Hummelvoll and executive produced by Ivar Køhn. The show is directed by Marit Moum Aune and Anne Bjørnstad.
Billionaire Island is a tale of the bitter rivalry between two salmon-producing companies and their families in Norway's highly competitive fish farming industry.
Netflix's official logline for the series reads:
"The ruthless owner of a Norwegian fish farming company plans a hostile takeover of her local rival to become the world's largest salmon producer."
Details about Billionaire Island
Billionaire Island is a Norwegian drama series that is styled as the next Succession, as it also revolves around complex family dynamics and corporate greed. In August 2024, Netflix dropped the first trailer for the satirical dramedy and announced that the show would premiere on the streaming platform on September 12, 2024.
The series features six episodes of 45 minutes each. Its story takes place on a fictional island named Brima in Trøndelag, Norway, but, it was filmed on the island of Frøya in Trøndelag, Norway.
Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin spoke to Netflix about the show's premise in September 2024:
"The fish-farming industry has made many Norwegians very rich and … has changed both the Norwegian coast and international food culture. The time feels right for a television drama about the operators in the industry."
Plot summary
Billionaire Island centers on the feud between two of the biggest companies in the fish farming industry in Norway.
Julie Lange, the ambitious CEO of Marlax, plans to take over her main competitor, Meyer Fjordbruk, after one of its shareholders dies. The company's founder, Gjert Meyer, is the only one standing in her way of becoming the largest salmon producer in the world. However, Julie gets double-crossed by her daughter, Amy Lange, who steps in to become the CEO of the rival company.
Gjert's daughter Trine plots to get her father arrested on false charges for this seeming betrayal. He spends time behind bars while Amy becomes the new CEO of his company and Trine gains a board seat in exchange for her support.
At the general meeting, Julia's proposal to take over is denied by the board members after they receive the leaked synergy plans, courtesy of Amy and her younger sister, Hennie.
At the end of the season, Gjert strikes a deal with Julia to hand over his company in exchange for his freedom. Personal ambitions take precedence over family loyalty as both Amy and Trine betray their respective parents in this gripping family drama.
Cast and characters
The show's main cast list is given below:
- Trine Wiggen as Julie Lange
- Svein Roger Karlsen as Gjert Meyer
- Ragne Grande as Amy Lange
- Kåre Conradi as Torbjørn Tvedt
- Hanne Skille Reitan as Trine Meyer
- Vetle Røsten Granås as JJ Lange
- Tor Ivar Hagen as Eigil Hansen
- Benjamin Bakkeid as Felix Meyer Hansen
- Nemi Storm as Hennie Lange
- Leah Aastum as Jessika
- Axel Bøyum as Ivo
- Oddgeir Thune as Martin
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