Riveting news for dark-comedy and mystery-thriller fans as Netflix's newest show, Bodkin Season 1, is based on a true-crime world revolving around a podcast. The series stars Will Forte, Siobhán Cullen, and Robyn Cara and follows a motley crew of podcasters who arrive in a small Irish town to investigate the disappearance of three people.
What begins as a routine investigation quickly becomes a bizarre and complex story in which the team tries to unravel fact from fiction. The show is described as "a dark comedic thriller," and is set against the backdrop of the stunning location of the fictitious town of Bodkin, nestled within the very real West Cork, Ireland. Notably, location is a major factor within the series, contributing to the show's atmospheric tension and visual appeal.
The series contains seven episodes all of which will be released on May 9, 2024.
At what time will Bodkin Season 1 be released?
Since Bodkin Season 1 is a Netflix original, all the show episodes will be released on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 12 AM PT. Below is the release schedule of all the episodes across all time zones:
Where to watch Bodkin Season 1 Episodes 1 to 7
You can watch all episodes of Bodkin Season 1 on Netflix. The series features seven episodes, starring Will Forte and Siobhán Cullen, and follows a team of podcasters investigating a cold case in Ireland.
What can fans expect from Bodkin Season 1?
Fans of dark comedies and true crime podcasts will find much to enjoy in Bodkin Season 1, which will merge these elements into a gripping narrative against the scenic backdrop of coastal Ireland.
The show stars Siobhán Cullen as Dove, an investigative journalist whose initial disinterest is transformed as she uncovers a deep conspiracy. In an interview with Screen Rant, Cullen described her character's evolution: "She's in a really bad place... And I think being forced back to Ireland... forces [her] to face all those demons."
Furthermore, playing Gilbert, Will Forte shifts from seeing the podcast project as a "colorful fluff piece" to recognizing its deeper implications. In the same interview, Forte explains, "Dove starts to teach him that what he's doing affects other people in ways that he might not be aware of." This interaction highlights the dynamic learning process among the characters.
Newcomer Robyn Cara, portraying Emmy, learns under Dove's tutelage, adopting daring methods that are "unusual tactics but builds character," as Cullen puts it. This mentorship illustrates the significant personal and professional growth that occurs within the team.
The show is described by Netflix as follows:
"In their attempt to uncover the truth about the people lost during the town’s annual Samhain celebration — a traditional Gaelic fall festival that celebrates the end of the harvest season and the longer, darker days to come — our heroes realize Bodkin might be small, but it holds some very big secrets.
"As they unravel the threads that have been woven back together through the years, it seems like what the podcasters are going to discover is “a commentary on stories of violence."
As mentioned before, all the episodes will be available on Netflix.