Brigands: The Quest for Gold, an Italian television series, is set to premiere on Netflix on April 23, 2024. The show takes place in southern Italy during the nineteenth century and revolves around a woman who transforms from an obedient wife to an influential bandit leader. It is a moving tale about evolution and freedom.
The series features Michela De Rossi as the main character, Filomena. Brigands: The Quest for Gold promises to be an engaging narrative as depicted in its trailer.
Brigands: The Quest for Gold: Release date and time
Brigands: The Quest for Gold consists of a total of six episodes. The first episode will stream on Netflix on April 23, 2024, with timing varying based on the viewer's time zone.
The estimated release times are detailed in the table below:
What is the expected plot of Brigands: The Quest for Gold?
Brigands: The Quest for Gold revolves around Filomena, who joins a band of brigands after being forced to leave her village. Contrary to many depictions and assertions, the brigands are primarily rebels (or armed robbers) who plunder to amass wealth to obtain freedom and survive. They are typically members of rural communities who prey on passing travelers.
After shaving her luscious locks, Filomena joins the brigands and advances to the position of leader. She is not alone, though; other female bandits are more skilled and vicious. Filomena has a great advantage in the harsh jungle terrain because of her upbringing, keen observation, and composed yet passionate mind.
The official synopsis for Brigands: The Quest for Gold, on IMDb reads:
"In mid-19th-century southern Italy, a woman forced to go on the run transforms from dutiful wife to the ruthless leader of a group of bandits."
To regain their independence, the leaders of these brigand groups must present a united front to the State, which is pitting them against one another in the series.
Brigands: The Quest for Gold - Cast, crew, and more
Brigands: The Quest for Gold is set in southern Italy in the middle of the 19th century, and is directed by Antonio Le Fosse, Steve Saint Leger, and Nicola Sorcinelli. Meanwhile, Giacomo Mazzariol, Marco Raspanti, Re Salvador, Eleonora Trucchi, and Antonio Le Fosse are the creators of the series.
The series features cast members, including:
- Michela De Rossi as Filomena
- Ivana Lotito as Ciccilla
- Matilda Lutz as Michelina
- Orlando Cinque as Pietro Monaco
- Marlon Joubert as Giuseppe Schiavone
- Giuseppe Lo Piccolo as Salvatore
- Pietro Micci as Fumel
- Ernesto D'Argenio as Cosimo Giordano
- Nando Paone as Ventre
- Federico Ielapi as Jurillo
- Josafat Vagni as Manzo
- Gianmarco Vettori as Marchetta
- Lorenzo de Moor as Muto
- Leon de la Vallée as Celestino
- Alessio Praticò as Don Orlando
- Giulio Beranek as Francesco Guerra
- Simone Borrelli as Alessandro Pace
- Adriano Chiaramida as Antonio Monaco
- Alida Baldari Calabria as Lissandra
- Astrid Casali as Maria
- Giampiero De Concilio as Luigi
- Salvatore Striano as Gennaro Giordano
- Simone Corbisiero as Nino
- Gianni Vastarella as Clemente
In Italy, the show is referred to as Briganti, which means 'brigand bandit'.