FROM is a chilling horror series that tells the stories of residents trapped inside a town. The residents are not only unable to leave but they are haunted every night by supernatural beings called The Creatures or Monsters. They use a cunning mix of psychological manipulation, physical torture, and supernatural strength to hunt and prey on the town's residents.
Only one of The Creatures has been successfully killed by Boyd, the main protagonist of FROM. However, because all of the residents are struggling to survive the night and save themselves from these Creatures, they haven't had the chance to organize and militarize themselves to kill them. They have, however, tried to kill The Creatures with bullets rather unsuccessfully.
These blood-thirsty, sharp-clawed, nocturnal monsters can shapeshift—often appearing in human form before revealing their true appearance to a victim prior to killing them.
Boyd kills the Smiley Creature in FROM
Perhaps the only sure-shot way fans of FROM know that the grotesque creatures can be killed is through infected blood. In season 2 episode 6, the Smiley Creature was successfully killed by Boyd.
In the episode, Boyd refuses to do a blood transfusion to save his son Ellis' life for fear of passing on the worms that infect his blood onto him. In a bid to save his son, Boyd runs outside his clinic and calls for the Creatures to come get him. The Smiley Creature answers his call.
In a surprising twist, Boyd cuts his hand, then cuts Smiley's throat and presses his wound to hers. It works—the worms leave Boyd's body and enter Smiley's, killing her.
This is the only way that the series has shown the killing of a Creature. The residents have yet to plan and find ways to kill them.
(Below are fan speculations and theories as to how The Creatures can be killed since FROM has not shown viewers how they can successfully be murdered.)
Fan theories on how The Creatures can be killed
1) Daylight or Fire
One of the things we know about The Creatures in FROM is that they avoid daylight. While daylight doesn't kill them, they are inactive during the day. They dwell and sleep deep within the caves in the forest and have never been seen to come out during the day.
Fans reportedly speculate that daylight, or some form of strong UV light, can possibly harm or kill them. Another speculation claims fire can also have a devastating effect on the menacing Creatures.
2) Shove a talisman down their throat
Viewers of FORM know all too well that the only defense the townspeople have against these Monsters is a tailsman. The talisman seems to ward them off and weaken their powers. Before the discovery of the tailsman, The Creatures would enter homes in reckless abandon and slaughter people.
After the discovery of the talisman in the forest, the townspeople were able to put it outside their homes and live in them without crippling fear. This meant that The Creatures could not enter a human's home without being invited in first.
This led to The Creatures resorting to powerful psychological manipulation tactics to gain entry into people's homes.
They would often shapeshift into a person's dead loved ones, or use emotional manipulation to gain entry.
An ongoing fan theory is that these Monsters can be murdered if a talisman is shoved down their throat. Speculation is rife that the talisman plays a larger role in killing these Creatures rather than just warding them off.
3) Dig a hole
Another popular fan theory entails digging a hole around a home and capturing the creature inside it. However, it is unclear if these Monsters can fly or can be easily trapped in a hole/ditch.
Other theories include decapitation and starting a massive forest fire.
FROM has been renewed for a fourth season on MGM+. Seasons 1 to 3 are available to watch on MGM+, Paramount Plus, and Prime Video.
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