Classified is a South African drama series that narrates the adventures of a 15-year-old girl, Ella, whose life takes a sudden twist when she finds herself under the radar of secret organizations. Netflix first released the series in South Africa on November 30, 2023. It is coming back again, with a global release on August 22, 2024, especially on Amazon Prime Video at 12 am GMT.
Comprising a set of eight episodes, Classified is the creation of the popular South African filmmaker Kagiso Legiga, known for Sono Queen (2020) and ROSA" Republic of South Ah Sh**t!. Teboga Malop and Karabo Lediga work as co-creators of the show.
The series was created with Lediga's co-founding independent production company, Disrente, in collaboration with the multiplatform American entertainment company Skybound Entertainment.
The cast comprises a combination of renowned actors collaborating with rising talents, including Imani Pullum as the protagonist Ella, Christine Horn as Dianne, Sule Rimi as Gabe, Paballo Koza as Lolo, Mila Rayne as Gwyn, and Neels Clasen as Wynand.
Classified release date, time, and streaming options explored
Classified, the South African coming-of-age drama revolving around the adventures of a 15-year-old girl named Ella will be available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video on Tuesday, August 22, 2024, at 12 am GMT.
However, the release date and time may vary per local time zone. We have attached a table below with the release date and time per different time zones.
What is the story of Classified?
The series revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Ella, a student at a public school in Oakland, California. The teenager's life seems to take a steep turn when the cops arrest her for being involved in a violent protest. Big threats seem to loom around Ella's life. As for the crime, she could be sent for imprisonment, and that means destroying her future career options.
To save Ella from grave consequences, her stepmother, Dianne, saves her from the trial with her connections. But to stay out of sight of the investigators, Ella must leave America, move to Johannesburg in South Africa, and finish her secondary education with her estranged African family. But many unexpected adventures await Ella in the new country.
Ella soon finds herself walking her first steps toward adulthood when she discovers some intel the higher authorities want to keep a secret. She begins to unravel the complex world of crimes and secrets being a spy, leading her to many dangers she must overcome. The series brings a completely new dimension to the adventures of a teenager maturing into adulthood in the new world.
Who is in the cast of Classified?
The eight-episode South African drama series is studded with some talented actors. Some of them are:
Imani Pullum, playing the role of Ella Gardner
- Christine Horn as Dianne
- Sule Rimi as Gabe
- Mila Rayne as Gwyn
- Nicola Nothnagel as Greta
- Paballo Koza as Lolo
- Victor Makgati as Noko
- Shuwa as Dawound
- Omhle Tshabalala as Kwame
- Ness Clasen as Wynand
- Matt Blerk as Jonas
- Luyanda Zwane as Amina
- Kelly Damon as Nazli
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