On June 4, 2024, the netizens were treated to a brand new sports drama series called Clipped which premiered exclusively on FX on Hulu. The limited series arrived with its first two episodes titled White Party and A Blessing and a Curse directed by Kevin Bray. Soon after its release, the show gained momentum among the crowds who are now eager to find out what awaits them.
The good news is that fans of the show will not have to wait too long for new episodes of the show to arrive. This is because the next episode of the beloved series premieres exactly a week from now, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The episode is titled Let the Games Began. It will be directed by Francesca Gregorini.
What is the release schedule for Clipped season 1?
The first episode of season 1 of Clipped was released on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. EST on Fx on Hulu. Since the show is a miniseries, it will only have six episodes. New episodes of the season will be dropped every Tuesday at the same time until July 2, 2024. Given below is the full episode-wise schedule for the show's release.
Who is in the cast of Clipped Season 1?
The cast of Clipped season 1 is headlined by Laurence Fishburne of Apocalypse Now fame and Ed O'Neill of Modern Family fame. The two actors play the roles of Doc Rivers and Donald Sterling respectively. Others who are a part of the cast of the sports drama include:
- Corbin Bernsen as Pierce O'Donnell
- Cleopatra Coleman as V. Stiviano
- Clifton Davis as Elgin Baylor
- Harriet Sansom Harris as Justine
- J. Alphonse Nicholson as Chris Paul
- Jacki Weaver as Shelly Sterling
- Kelly AuCoin as Andy Roeser
- Rich Sommer as Seth Burton
Read more: Is FX's Clipped based on a true story? Everything to know
What is the show about?
Fx and Hulu's Clipped chronicles the fall of Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers owner as he starts treading waters he should not. Sterling is outed as a racist which leads to the social degradation of his team as well. Under coach Doc Rivers's tutelage, the new head coach, the Clippers will either make or break it in the game. A look at the show's official logline will give the readers more clarity over the plot of the series. It reads:
"FX’s Clipped goes behind the scenes of a notorious NBA owner’s racist remarks, captured on a tape heard around the world. The limited series charts the collision between a dysfunctional basketball organization and even less functional marriage, and the precipitating tape’s impact on an ensemble of characters striving to win against the backdrop of the most cursed team in the league."
Read more: All Clipped characters in real life and where are they now
About crew
Season 1 of the series is directed by Kevin Bray and Francesca Gregorini. The screenplay for the series has been written by Gina Welch, Rembert Browne, Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm, Tracey Scott Wilson, and Ramona Shelburne. Those credited for producing the show include:
- Michelle Lankwarden
- Anne Madariaga
- Kevin Bray.
- Rembert Browne
- Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm
- Zanne Devine
- Justin Epifanio
- Lisa M. Haskins
- Nina Jacobson
- Monica Levinson
- Ramona Shelburne
- Gwyn Shovelski
- Brad Simpson
- Nellie Stevens Reed
- Gina Welch
- Vinnie Wilhelm
- Tracey Scott Wilson
- Lauren Yee
The next episode of Clipped premieres on June 11, 2024.
Read more: 7 sports drama shows to watch if you loved Hulu’s Clipped